Ralf Kunkel
Ralf Kunkel
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Reentrant layer-by-layer growth during molecular-beam epitaxy of metal-on-metal substrates
R Kunkel, B Poelsema, LK Verheij, G Comsa
Physical review letters 65 (6), 733, 1990
The GROWA98 model for water balance analysis in large river basins—the river Elbe case study
R Kunkel, F Wendland
Journal of Hydrology 259 (1-4), 152-162, 2002
The TERENO‐Rur hydrological observatory: A multiscale multi‐compartment research platform for the advancement of hydrological science
HR Bogena, C Montzka, JA Huisman, A Graf, M Schmidt, M Stockinger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-22, 2018
New phenomena in homoepitaxial growth of metals
B Poelsema, R Kunkel, N Nagel, AF Becker, G Rosenfeld, LK Verheij, ...
Applied Physics A 53, 369-376, 1991
Final proposal for a methodology to set up groundwater threshold values in Europe
D Müller, A Blum, A Hart, J Hookey, R Kunkel, A Scheidleder, C Tomlin, ...
Deliverable D18, BRIDGE project 63, 2006
WEKU–a GIS-supported stochastic model of groundwater residence times in upper aquifers for the supraregional groundwater management
R Kunkel, F Wendland
Environmental Geology 30 (1), 1-9, 1997
European aquifer typology: a practical framework for an overview of major groundwater composition at European scale
F Wendland, A Blum, M Coetsiers, R Gorova, J Griffioen, J Grima, ...
Environmental Geology 55, 77-85, 2008
A procedure to define natural groundwater conditions of groundwater bodies in Germany
F Wendland, S Hannappel, R Kunkel, R Schenk, HJ Voigt, R Wolter
Water Science and Technology 51 (3-4), 249-257, 2005
Distributed modeling of groundwater recharge at the macroscale
H Bogena, R Kunkel, T Schöbel, HP Schrey, F Wendland
Ecological modelling 187 (1), 15-26, 2005
Die natürliche, ubiquitär überprägte Grundwasserbeschaffenheit in Deutschland
R Kunkel, HJ Voigt, S Hannappel, F Wendland
Programmgruppe Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung, 2004
Derivation of natural background levels and threshold values for groundwater bodies in the Upper Rhine Valley (France, Switzerland and Germany)
F Wendland, G Berthold, A Blum, P Elsass, JG Fritsche, R Kunkel, ...
Desalination 226 (1-3), 160-168, 2008
Modelling the water balance of a mesoscale catchment basin using remotely sensed land cover data
C Montzka, M Canty, R Kunkel, G Menz, H Vereecken, F Wendland
Journal of Hydrology 353 (3-4), 322-334, 2008
Model based impact analysis of policy options aiming at reducing diffuse pollution by agriculture—a case study for the river Ems and a sub-catchment of the Rhine
H Gömann, P Kreins, R Kunkel, F Wendland
Environmental Modelling & Software 20 (2), 261-271, 2005
Modelling water fluxes for the analysis of diffuse pollution at the river basin scale
M De Wit, C Meinardi, F Wendland, R Kunkel
Hydrological processes 14 (10), 1707-1723, 2000
Nutrient emissions into river basins of Germany on the basis of a harmonized procedure
H Behrendt, M Bach, R Kunkel, D Opitz, WG Pagenkopf, G Scholz, ...
UBA-Texte 82 (03), 201, 2003
TERENO: German network of terrestrial environmental observatories
HR Bogena
Journal of large-scale research facilities JLSRF 2, A52-A52, 2016
Das Nitratabbauvermögen im Grundwasser des Elbeeinzugsgebietes
F Wendland, R Kunkel
Programmgruppe Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung, 1999
Determination of spatially differentiated water balance components including groundwater recharge on the Federal State level–A case study using the mGROWA model in North Rhine …
F Herrmann, L Keller, R Kunkel, H Vereecken, F Wendland
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 4, 294-312, 2015
Quantifizierung der Nährstoffeinträge der Flussgebiete Deutschlands auf der Grundlage eines harmonisierten Vorgehens
H Behrendt, M Bach, R Kunkel, D Opitz, WG Pagenkopf, G Scholz, ...
UBA-Texte 82 (03), 201, 2003
Mechanisms for annealing of ion-bombardment-induced defects on Pt (111)
B Poelsema, R Kunkel, LK Verheij, G Comsa
Physical Review B 41 (16), 11609, 1990
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