Najmeddine Dhieb
Najmeddine Dhieb
University of Carthage, Sup'Com
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Cited by
A secure ai-driven architecture for automated insurance systems: Fraud detection and risk measurement
N Dhieb, H Ghazzai, H Besbes, Y Massoud
IEEE Access 8, 58546-58558, 2020
Extreme gradient boosting machine learning algorithm for safe auto insurance operations
N Dhieb, H Ghazzai, H Besbes, Y Massoud
2019 IEEE international conference on vehicular electronics and safety …, 2019
An automated blood cells counting and classification framework using mask R-CNN deep learning model
N Dhieb, H Ghazzai, H Besbes, Y Massoud
2019 31st international conference on microelectronics (ICM), 300-303, 2019
A very deep transfer learning model for vehicle damage detection and localization
N Dhieb, H Ghazzai, H Besbes, Y Massoud
2019 31st international conference on microelectronics (ICM), 158-161, 2019
Scalable and secure architecture for distributed iot systems
N Dhieb, H Ghazzai, H Besbes, Y Massoud
2020 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON), 1-6, 2020
Optimized drug regimen and chemotherapy scheduling for cancer treatment using swarm intelligence
N Dhieb, I Abdulrashid, H Ghazzai, Y Massoud
Annals of Operations Research 320 (2), 757-770, 2023
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Articles 1–6