Eric A. Houck
Eric A. Houck
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy, UNC-Chapel Hill
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Modern education finance and policy
JW Guthrie, M Springer, RA Rolle, EA Houck
Allyn & Bacon, 2007
History and scholarship regarding United States education finance and policy
MG Springer, EA Houck, JW Guthrie
Handbook of research in education finance and policy, 25-44, 2012
Teacher quality and school resegregation: A resource allocation case study
EA Houck
Leadership and Policy in Schools 9 (1), 49-77, 2010
The life and death of desegregation policy in Wake County public school system and Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools
SM Williams, EA Houck
Education and Urban Society 45 (5), 571-588, 2013
And poor children continue to wait: An analysis of horizontal and vertical equity among North Carolina school districts in the face of judicially mandated policy restraints …
RA Rolle, EA Houck, A McColl
Journal of Education Finance, 75-102, 2008
Examining school district efficiency in Georgia
EA Houck, RA Rolle, J He
Journal of Education Finance 35 (4), 331-357, 2010
Intradistrict resource allocation: Key findings and policy implications
EA Houck
Education and Urban Society 43 (3), 271-295, 2011
The inequities of special education funding in North Carolina
C Needham, EA Houck
Journal of Education Finance 45 (1), 1-22, 2019
The shift from adequacy to equity in federal education policymaking: A proposal for how ESEA could reshape the state role in education finance
EA Houck, E DeBray
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 1 (3), 148-167, 2015
Resource distribution and graduation rates in SREB states: An overview
EA Houck, A Kurtz
Peabody Journal of Education 85 (1), 32-48, 2010
Left behind: District secession and the re-segregation of American schools
EA Houck, BC Murray
Peabody Journal of Education 94 (4), 388-402, 2019
New data, old patterns: the role of test scores in student assignment
L Cohen-Vogel, T Osobrne-Lampkin, EA Houck
The Infrastructure of Accountability, 129-144, 2013
Resource and output equity as a mechanism for assessing educational opportunity in Korean middle school education
EA Houck, M Eom
Journal of Education Finance, 18-51, 2012
Introduction to the Peabody Journal of Education's Special Issue on the Future of School Finance Research
RA Rolle, EA Houck
Peabody Journal of Education 79 (3), 1-6, 2004
A narrow path through the broad middle: Mapping institutional considerations for ESEA reauthorization
E DeBray, EA Houck
Peabody Journal of Education 86 (3), 319-337, 2011
Understanding School Finance Laws and Practices
EA Houck
The SAGE Guide to Educational Leadership and Management, 239-256, 2015
Revenue generation and resource allocation and deployment practices in smaller learning communities: Lessons learned from three high schools
MG Springer, EA Houck, PE Ceperley, J Hange
Journal of Education Finance, 443-469, 2007
Introduction to the special issue on education in the American South: Historical perspectives and contemporary conditions
EA Houck, M Ross
Peabody Journal of Education 85 (1), 1-3, 2010
Allotting inequity: Evaluating North Carolina’s classroom teacher funding
C Needham, EA Houck
Journal of Education Human Resources 39 (2), 184-213, 2021
County funding versus municipal aspiration: A case study
EA Houck
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 11 (1), 81-86, 2008
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