Christian Schilling
Christian Schilling
Associate Professor at Aalborg University
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JuliaReach: a toolbox for set-based reachability
S Bogomolov, M Forets, G Frehse, K Potomkin, C Schilling
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2019
Ultimate automizer and the search for perfect interpolants
M Heizmann, YF Chen, D Dietsch, M Greitschus, J Hoenicke, Y Li, A Nutz, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2018
Outside the box: Abstraction-based monitoring of neural networks
TA Henzinger, A Lukina, C Schilling
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2433-2440, 2020
Ultimate automizer with SMTInterpol
M Heizmann, J Christ, D Dietsch, E Ermis, J Hoenicke, M Lindenmann, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2013
Reach set approximation through decomposition with low-dimensional sets and high-dimensional matrices
S Bogomolov, M Forets, G Frehse, F Viry, A Podelski, C Schilling
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2018
Open- and closed-loop neural network verification using polynomial zonotopes
N Kochdumper, C Schilling, M Althoff, S Bak
NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 16-36, 2023
Verification of neural-network control systems by integrating taylor models and zonotopes
C Schilling, M Forets, S Guadalupe
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (7), 8169-8177, 2022
ARCH-COMP23 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants
D Manzanas Lopez, M Althoff, M Forets, TT Johnson, T Ladner, ...
EPiC Series in Computing, 2023
Abstraction-based parameter synthesis for multiaffine systems
S Bogomolov, C Schilling, E Bartocci, G Batt, H Kong, R Grosu
Haifa Verification Conference, 19-35, 2015
Into the unknown: Active monitoring of neural networks
A Lukina, C Schilling, TA Henzinger
International Conference on Runtime Verification, 42-61, 2021
symQV: Automated Symbolic Verification of Quantum Programs
F Bauer-Marquart, S Leue, C Schilling
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 181-198, 2023
LazySets.jl: Scalable symbolic-numeric set computations
M Forets, C Schilling
Proceedings of the JuliaCon Conferences 1 (1), 11, 2021
Hybrid automata: from verification to implementation
S Bak, OA Beg, S Bogomolov, TT Johnson, LV Nguyen, C Schilling
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 21, 87-104, 2019
ARCH-COMP22 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants
DM Lopez, M Althoff, L Benet, X Chen, J Fan, M Forets, C Huang, ...
EPiC Series in Computing 90, 142-184, 2022
Safety verification of nonlinear hybrid systems based on invariant clusters
H Kong, S Bogomolov, C Schilling, Y Jiang, TA Henzinger
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2017
Membership-based synthesis of linear hybrid automata
M García Soto, TA Henzinger, C Schilling, L Zeleznik
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 297-314, 2019
ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics.
L Geretti, JAD Sandretto, M Althoff, L Benet, A Chapoutot, X Chen, ...
ARCH, 49-75, 2020
Ultimate automizer with an on-demand construction of Floyd-Hoare automata
M Heizmann, YW Chen, D Dietsch, M Greitschus, A Nutz, B Musa, ...
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
Semantic fault localization and suspiciousness ranking
M Christakis, M Heizmann, MN Mansur, C Schilling, V Wüstholz
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2019
ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants.
TT Johnson, DM Lopez, L Benet, M Forets, S Guadalupe, C Schilling, ...
ARCH@ ADHS, 90-119, 2021
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