Jannik Lind
Jannik Lind
ARENA2036 e.V.
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Zitiert von
Influence of the laser cutting front geometry on the striation formation analysed with high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging
J Lind, C Hagenlocher, D Blazquez-Sanchez, M Hummel, A Olowinsky, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1135 (1), 012009, 2021
Geometry and absorptance of the cutting fronts during laser beam cutting
J Lind, F Fetzer, D Blazquez-Sanchez, J Weidensdörfer, R Weber, T Graf
Journal of Laser Applications 32 (3), 2020
Transition from stable laser fusion cutting conditions to incomplete cutting analysed with high-speed X-ray imaging
J Lind, F Fetzer, C Hagenlocher, D Blazquez-Sanchez, R Weber, T Graf
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60, 470-480, 2020
High-speed x-ray investigation of pore formation during full penetration laser beam welding of AA6016 aluminum sheets contaminated with lubricants
C Hagenlocher, J Lind, R Weber, T Graf
Applied Sciences 10 (6), 2077, 2020
Adjustment of the geometries of the cutting front and the kerf by means of beam shaping to maximize the speed of laser cutting
J Lind, C Hagenlocher, N Weckenmann, D Blazquez-Sanchez, R Weber, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 126 (3), 1527 …, 2023
Investigation of the influence of superimposed intensity distributions on the spatter behavior in laser welding of steel using online x-ray diagnostics
M Jarwitz, J Lind, R Weber, T Graf, N Speker, P Haug
International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics 2018 (1), 703, 2018
Analysis on the influence of vapor capillary aspect ratio on pore formation in laser beam welding of aluminum
M Hummel, C Hagenlocher, A Haeusler, S Hollatz, J Lind, A Olowinsky, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 312, 117862, 2023
High-speed x-ray imaging of the cutting process during laser beam cutting of aluminum
J Lind, D Blazquez-Sanchez, J Weidensdörfer, R Weber, T Graf
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 128, 2019
Investigation of the influence of beam oscillation on the laser beam cutting process using high-speed X-ray imaging
J Lind, J Wagner, N Weckenmann, R Weber, T Graf
Proceedings of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference, 2021
High-speed X-ray Imaging of the Laser Cutting Process
J Lind, F Fetzer, D Blazquez-Sanchez, J Weidensdörfer, R Weber, T Graf
Proceedings of the 38th ICALEO, Orlando, FL, USA, 7-10, 2019
Analysis and optimization of the piercing process in laser beam cutting by means of high-speed X-ray imaging
J Lind, N Weckenmann, C Hagenlocher, R Weber, T Graf
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 69, 303-310, 2021
Influence of superimposed intensity distributions on the welding process and the spatter behavior during laser welding of steel
M Jarwitz, J Lind, R Weber, T Graf
Lasers in Manufacturing 2019, 2019
Non-symmetrical beam shaping for high-power laser cutting processes
M Meunier, G Pallier, J Lind, A Kumar, M Kogel-Hollacher, P Jian, ...
High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and …, 2022
High-speed x-ray imaging of the melt flow during laser beam cutting
J Lind, C Hagenlocher, D Blazquez-Sanchez, R Weber, T Graf
High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and …, 2022
Temporally and spatially highly resolved reconstruction of vapor capillary geometry during laser beam welding using synchrotron radiation
M Hummel, A Häusler, S Hollatz, C Hagenlocher, J Lind, U Halm, ...
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021, Munich, Germany, 21–24 June 2021, 2022
Einfluss von Strahlformung auf Absorption, Fugenquerschnitt und Produktivität beim Laserschneiden
J Lind
utzverlag GmbH, 2024
Method and device for piercing a workpiece by means of a laser beam
N Weckenmann, J Lind
US Patent App. 17/910,948, 2023
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Artikel 1–17