Timo Lüddecke
Timo Lüddecke
University of Göttingen and Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS)
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Image segmentation using text and image prompts
T Lüddecke, A Ecker
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
GPT4GEO: How a Language Model Sees the World's Geography
J Roberts, T Lüddecke, S Das, K Han, S Albanie
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.00020, 2023
Learning to segment affordances
T Lüddecke, F Wörgötter
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Attention on abstract visual reasoning
L Hahne, T Lüddecke, F Wörgötter, D Kappel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.05990, 2019
Context-based affordance segmentation from 2D images for robot actions
T Lüddecke, T Kulvicius, F Wörgötter
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 119, 92-107, 2019
Charting new territories: Exploring the geographic and geospatial capabilities of multimodal llms
J Roberts, T Lüddecke, R Sheikh, K Han, S Albanie
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Distributional semantics of objects in visual scenes in comparison to text
T Lüddecke, A Agostini, M Fauth, M Tamosiunaite, F Wörgötter
Artificial Intelligence 274, 44-65, 2019
One-shot multi-path planning for robotic applications using fully convolutional networks
T Kulvicius, S Herzog, T Lüddecke, M Tamosiunaite, F Wörgötter
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1460-1466, 2020
Self-supervised representation learning of neuronal morphologies
MA Weis, L Pede, T Lüddecke, AS Ecker
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023
One-shot multi-path planning using fully convolutional networks in a comparison to other algorithms
T Kulvicius, S Herzog, T Lüddecke, M Tamosiunaite, F Wörgötter
Frontiers in Neurorobotics 14, 600984, 2021
Deep metadata fusion for traffic light to lane assignment
T Langenberg, T Lüddecke, F Wörgötter
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 973-980, 2019
Large-scale unsupervised discovery of excitatory morphological cell types in mouse visual cortex
MA Weis, S Papadopoulos, L Hansel, T Lüddecke, B Celii, PG Fahey, ...
The role of data for one-shot semantic segmentation
T Luddecke, A Ecker
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Convolutional neural networks for movement prediction in videos
A Warnecke, T Lüddecke, F Wörgötter
Pattern Recognition: 39th German Conference, GCPR 2017, Basel, Switzerland …, 2017
Learning to Predict Structural Vibrations
J van Delden, J Schultz, C Blech, SC Langer, T Lüddecke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05469, 2023
Fine-grained action plausibility rating
T Lueddecke, F Woergoetter
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 129, 103511, 2020
Computer Vision for Primate Behavior Analysis in the Wild
R Vogg, T Lüddecke, J Henrich, S Dey, M Nuske, V Hassler, D Murphy, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.16424, 2024
Deep learning for frequency response prediction of a multimass oscillator
J Schultz, J van Delden, C Blech, SC Langer, T Lüddecke
PAMM 23 (3), e202300091, 2023
Minimizing Structural Vibrations via Guided Diffusion Design Optimization
J van Delden, J Schultz, C Blech, SC Langer, T Lüddecke
ICLR 2024 Workshop on AI4DifferentialEquations In Science, 0
PriMAT: A robust multi-animal tracking model for primates in the wild
R Vogg, M Nuske, MA Weis, T Lüddecke, E Karakoç, Z Ahmed, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.08. 21.607881, 2024
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