Prof. Dr. Dominik Möst
Prof. Dr. Dominik Möst
Professor, TU Dresden
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Demand response potential: available when needed?
T Müller, D Möst
Energy Policy 115, 181-198, 2018
A survey of stochastic modelling approaches for liberalised electricity markets
D Möst, D Keles
European Journal of Operational Research 207 (2), 543-556, 2010
Energietechnologien 2050-Schwerpunkte für Forschung und Entwicklung
M Arens, C Dötsch, S Herkel, W Krewitt, P Markewitz, D Möst, M Scheufen
Fraunhofer-Verlag, 2010
Agent-based simulation of electricity markets. A literature review
F Sensfuß, M Ragwitz, M Genoese, D Möst
Comparison of extended mean-reversion and time series models for electricity spot price simulation considering negative prices
D Keles, M Genoese, D Möst, W Fichtner
Energy economics 34 (4), 1012-1032, 2012
Carbon Capture and Storage on its way to large-scale deployment: Social acceptance and willingness to pay in Germany
J Kraeusel, D Möst
Energy Policy 49, 642-651, 2012
An economic analysis of three operational co-digestion biogas plants in Germany
D Balussou, A Kleyböcker, R McKenna, D Möst, W Fichtner
Waste and Biomass Valorization 3, 23-41, 2012
Market penetration of fuel cell vehicles–Analysis based on agent behaviour
D Keles, M Wietschel, D Möst, O Rentz
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (16), 4444-4455, 2008
Renewable energy sources in European energy supply and interactions with emission trading
D Möst, W Fichtner
Energy Policy 38 (6), 2898-2910, 2010
Does political and social feasibility matter in energy scenarios?
DKJ Schubert, S Thuß, D Möst
Energy Research & Social Science 7, 43-54, 2015
Coal phase-outs and carbon prices: Interactions between EU emission trading and national carbon mitigation policies
CP Anke, H Hobbie, S Schreiber, D Möst
Energy Policy 144, 111647, 2020
Concentrating solar power plant investment and operation decisions under different price and support mechanisms
C Kost, CM Flath, D Möst
Energy Policy 61, 238-248, 2013
Future wind and solar power market values in Germany—Evidence of spatial and technological dependencies?
M Eising, H Hobbie, D Möst
Energy Economics 86, 104638, 2020
Impact assessment of population migration on energy consumption and carbon emissions in China: A spatial econometric investigation
Y Bu, E Wang, Y Qiu, D Möst
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 93, 106744, 2022
Regional distribution effects of different electricity network tariff designs with a distributed generation structure: The case of Germany
F Hinz, M Schmidt, D Möst
Energy Policy 113, 97-111, 2018
Market power in the German wholesale electricity market
D Möst, M Genoese
The Journal of Energy Markets 2 (2), 47, 2009
A combined modeling approach for wind power feed-in and electricity spot prices
WF D Keles, M Genoese, D Möst, S Ortlieb
Energy Policy, 2013
Toward a fundamental understanding of flow-based market coupling for cross-border electricity trading
D Schönheit, M Kenis, L Lorenz, D Möst, E Delarue, K Bruninx
Advances in Applied Energy 2, 100027, 2021
The development of the German energy market until 2030—A critical survey of selected scenarios
D Keles, D Möst, W Fichtner
Energy Policy 39 (2), 812-825, 2011
Prospects of gas supply until 2020 in Europe and its relevance for the power sector in the context of emission trading
D Möst, H Perlwitz
Energy 34 (10), 1510-1522, 2009
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