Matthias Wuttig
Matthias Wuttig
Professor für Physik, RWTH Aachen
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Phase-change materials for rewriteable data storage
M Wuttig, N Yamada
Nature materials 6 (11), 824-832, 2007
Phase-change materials for non-volatile photonic applications
M Wuttig, H Bhaskaran, T Taubner
Nature photonics 11 (8), 465-476, 2017
Resonant bonding in crystalline phase-change materials
K Shportko, S Kremers, M Woda, D Lencer, J Robertson, M Wuttig
Nature materials 7 (8), 653-658, 2008
A map for phase-change materials
D Lencer, M Salinga, B Grabowski, T Hickel, J Neugebauer, M Wuttig
Nature materials 7 (12), 972-977, 2008
Towards a universal memory?
M Wuttig
Nature materials 4 (4), 265-266, 2005
Designing crystallization in phase-change materials for universal memory and neuro-inspired computing
W Zhang, R Mazzarello, M Wuttig, E Ma
Nature Reviews Materials 4 (3), 150-168, 2019
Structural transformations of films studied by electrical resistance measurements
I Friedrich, V Weidenhof, W Njoroge, P Franz, M Wuttig
Journal of applied physics 87 (9), 4130-4134, 2000
Formation of a well-ordered aluminium oxide overlayer by oxidation of NiAl (110)
RM Jaeger, H Kuhlenbeck, HJ Freund, M Wuttig, W Hoffmann, R Franchy, ...
Surface science 259 (3), 235-252, 1991
The effect of front ZnO: Al surface texture and optical transparency on efficient light trapping in silicon thin-film solar cells
M Berginski, J Hüpkes, M Schulte, G Schöpe, H Stiebig, B Rech, M Wuttig
Journal of applied physics 101 (7), 2007
A switchable mid‐infrared plasmonic perfect absorber with multispectral thermal imaging capability
A Tittl, AKU Michel, M Schäferling, X Yin, B Gholipour, L Cui, M Wuttig, ...
Advanced Materials 27 (31), 4597-4603, 2015
Disorder-induced localization in crystalline phase-change materials
T Siegrist, P Jost, H Volker, M Woda, P Merkelbach, C Schlockermann, ...
Nature materials 10 (3), 202-208, 2011
Phase change materials and phase change memory
S Raoux, F Xiong, M Wuttig, E Pop
MRS bulletin 39 (8), 703-710, 2014
The role of vacancies and local distortions in the design of new phase-change materials
M Wuttig, D Lüsebrink, D Wamwangi, W Wełnic, M Gilleßen, ...
Nature materials 6 (2), 122-128, 2007
Design rules for phase‐change materials in data storage applications
D Lencer, M Salinga, M Wuttig
Advanced Materials 23 (18), 2030-2058, 2011
Magnetic live surface layers in Fe/Cu (100)
J Thomassen, F May, B Feldmann, M Wuttig, H Ibach
Physical review letters 69 (26), 3831, 1992
Polycrystalline SnSe with a thermoelectric figure of merit greater than the single crystal
C Zhou, YK Lee, Y Yu, S Byun, ZZ Luo, H Lee, B Ge, YL Lee, X Chen, ...
Nature materials 20 (10), 1378-1384, 2021
Nanosecond switching in GeTe phase change memory cells
G Bruns, P Merkelbach, C Schlockermann, M Salinga, M Wuttig, TD Happ, ...
Applied physics letters 95 (4), 2009
Density changes upon crystallization of films
WK Njoroge, HW Wöltgens, M Wuttig
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 20 (1 …, 2002
Beam switching and bifocal zoom lensing using active plasmonic metasurfaces
X Yin, T Steinle, L Huang, T Taubner, M Wuttig, T Zentgraf, H Giessen
Light: Science & Applications 6 (7), e17016-e17016, 2017
Reversible optical switching of highly confined phonon–polaritons with an ultrathin phase-change material
P Li, X Yang, TWW Maß, J Hanss, M Lewin, AKU Michel, M Wuttig, ...
Nature materials 15 (8), 870-875, 2016
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