David Mainzer
David Mainzer
Robert-Bosch Car Multimedia
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A benchmarking suite for 6-dof real time collision response algorithms
R Weller, M Sagardia, D Mainzer, T Hulin, G Zachmann, C Preusche
Proceedings of the 17th ACM symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2010
Two case studies for Jazzyk BSM
M Köster, P Novák, D Mainzer, B Fuhrmann
Agents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design …, 2009
Collision detection based on fuzzy scene subdivision
D Mainzer, G Zachmann
GPU Computing and Applications, 135-150, 2015
Massively Parallel Batch Neural Gas for Bounding Volume Hierarchy Construction.
R Weller, D Mainzer, A Srinivas, M Teschner, G Zachmann
VRIPHYS, 9-17, 2014
CDFC: Collision Detection Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Deformable Objects on GPU’s
D Mainzer, G Zachmann
WSCG 2013 - POSTER Proceedings 21 (3), 5-8, 2013
New geometric algorithms and data structures for collision detection of dynamically deforming objects
D Mainzer
Clausthal University of Technology, 2015
A Benchmarking Suite for 6-DOF Real Time Collision Response Algorithms
D Mainzer, R Weller, G Zachmann, M Sagardia, T Hulin, C Preusche
Jazzbot: A non-monotonically reasoning bot in a simulated 3D environment
P Novák, D Mainzer, M Köster, B Fuhrmann
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