John Cuzzola
John Cuzzola
Ryerson University
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Cited by
Automated semantic tagging of textual content
J Jovanovic, E Bagheri, J Cuzzola, D Gasevic, Z Jeremic, R Bashash
IT Professional 16 (6), 38-46, 2014
Evolutionary fine-tuning of automated semantic annotation systems
J Cuzzola, J Jovanović, E Bagheri, D Gašević
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (20), 6864-6877, 2015
RysannMD: a biomedical semantic annotator balancing speed and accuracy
J Cuzzola, J Jovanović, E Bagheri
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 71, 91-109, 2017
Instructor-aided asynchronous question answering system for online education and distance learning
D Wen, J Cuzzola, L Brown, D Kinshuk
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 13 (5 …, 2012
Filtering inaccurate entity co-references on the linked open data
J Cuzzola, E Bagheri, J Jovanovic
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 26th International Conference …, 2015
Automated classification and localization of daily deal content from the Web
J Cuzzola, J Jovanović, E Bagheri, D Gašević
Applied Soft Computing 31, 241-256, 2015
Method and system of intelligent generation of structured data and object discovery from the web using text, images, video and other data
E Bagheri, J Cuzzola, Z Jeremic, M Bashash
US Patent App. 14/892,976, 2016
Semantic Tagging with Linked Open Data.
J Cuzzola, Z Jeremic, E Bagheri, D Gasevic, J Jovanovic, R Bashash
CSWS, 52-53, 2013
UMLS to DBPedia Link Discovery Through Circular Resolution.
J Cuzzola, E Bagheri, J Jovanovic
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 2018
Exploiting semantic roles for asynchronous question answering in an educational setting
D Wen, J Cuzzola, L Brown, Kinshuk
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2012
Derive: finding semantic concepts with property-values from natural language text
J Cuzzola, E Bagheri
Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and …, 2014
What's the deal? identifying online bargains
J Cuzzola, D Gašević, E Bagheri
Proceedings of the First Australasian Web Conference-Volume 144, 69-73, 2013
Product centric web page segmentation and localization
J Cuzzola, D Gašević, E Bagheri
Canadian Semantic Web Symposium 2013, 29-32, 2013
Fault detection through sequential filtering of novelty patterns
J Cuzzola, D Gasevic, E Bagheri
2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and …, 2011
A system and method for recommending expert reviewers for performing quality assessment of an electronic work
J Cuzzola, J Jovanovic, E Bagheri
US Patent App. 18/255,345, 2024
Semantic Disambiguation and Linking of Quantitative Mentions in Textual Content
M Ghashghaei, E Bagheri, J Cuzzola, AA Ghorbani, Z Noorian
International Journal of Semantic Computing 10 (01), 121-142, 2016
Semantic annotation of quantitative textual content
M Ghashghaei
University of New Brunswick, 2016
Kinshuk.(2012). Instructor-aided asynchronous question answering system for online education and distance learning
D Wen, J Cuzzola, L Brown
International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning 13 (5), 103-125, 2012
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Articles 1–18