Guido Buenstorf
Guido Buenstorf
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Heritage and agglomeration: the Akron tyre cluster revisited
G Buenstorf, S Klepper
The Economic Journal 119 (537), 705-733, 2009
Creation and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities: An evolutionary economics perspective
G Buenstorf
Small Business Economics 28, 323-337, 2007
Is commercialization good or bad for science? Individual-level evidence from the Max Planck Society
G Buenstorf
Research Policy 38 (2), 281-292, 2009
Evolution on the shoulders of giants: entrepreneurship and firm survival in the German laser industry
G Buenstorf
Review of Industrial organization 30, 179-202, 2007
Can sustainable consumption be learned? A model of cultural evolution
G Buenstorf, C Cordes
Ecological Economics 67 (4), 646-657, 2008
B2C—bubble to cluster: the dot-com boom, spin-off entrepreneurship, and regional agglomeration
G Buenstorf, D Fornahl
Journal of evolutionary Economics 19 (3), 349-378, 2009
Why does entry cluster geographically? Evidence from the US tire industry
G Buenstorf, S Klepper
Journal of Urban Economics 68 (2), 103-114, 2010
How useful is generalized Darwinism as a framework to study competition and industrial evolution?
G Buenstorf
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 16, 511-527, 2006
Self-organization and sustainability: energetics of evolution and implications for ecological economics
G Buenstorf
Ecological Economics 33 (1), 119-134, 2000
Not invented here: technology licensing, knowledge transfer and innovation based on public research
G Buenstorf, M Geissler
The Two Sides of Innovation: Creation and Destruction in the Evolution of …, 2013
Opportunity spin-offs and necessity spin-offs
G Buenstorf
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1 (1), 22-40, 2009
University patenting in Germany before and after 2002: what role did the professors' privilege play?
S Von Proff, G Buenstorf, M Hummel
Industry and Innovation 19 (1), 23-44, 2012
Locations of labor market entry by German university graduates: Is (regional) beauty in the eye of the beholder?
G Buenstorf, M Geissler, S Krabel
Review of Regional Research 1 (36), 29-49, 2016
Ernst Abbe’s scientific management: theoretical insights from a nineteenth-century dynamic capabilities approach
G Buenstorf, JP Murmann
Industrial and corporate change 14 (4), 543-578, 2005
No place like home? Relocation, capabilities, and firm survival in the German machine tool industry after World War II
G Buenstorf, C Guenther
Industrial and Corporate Change 20 (1), 1-28, 2011
Submarket dynamics and innovation: the case of the US tire industry
G Buenstorf, S Klepper
Industrial and Corporate Change 19 (5), 1563-1587, 2010
We need to talk–or do we? Geographic distance and the commercialization of technologies from public research
G Buenstorf, A Schacht
Research Policy 42 (2), 465-480, 2013
Reporting errors and biases in published empirical findings: Evidence from innovation research
SB Bruns, I Asanov, R Bode, M Dunger, C Funk, SM Hassan, J Hauschildt, ...
Research Policy 48 (9), 103796, 2019
The economics of energy and the production process: an evolutionary approach
G Buenstorf
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004
Designing clunkers: demand-side innovation and the early history of the mountain bike
G Bünstorf
Change, transformation and development, 53-70, 2003
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