Patrick Horain
Patrick Horain
Télécom SudParis - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Cited by
A 3D reconstruction of vascular structures from two X-ray angiograms using an adapted simulated annealing algorithm
C Pellot, A Herment, M Sigelle, P Horain, H Maître, P Peronneau
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 13 (1), 48-60, 1994
GPUCV: A framework for image processing acceleration with graphics processors
JP Farrugia, P Horain, E Guehenneux, Y Alusse
2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 585-588, 2006
Gpucv: an opensource gpu-accelerated framework forimage processing and computer vision
Y Allusse, P Horain, A Agarwal, C Saipriyadarshan
Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1089-1092, 2008
3D hand gesture tracking by model registration
H Ouhaddi, P Horain
Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and Three Dimensional Imaging, 70-73, 1999
GpuCV: A GPU-accelerated framework for image processing and computer vision
Y Allusse, P Horain, A Agarwal, C Saipriyadarshan
Advances in Visual Computing, 430-439, 2008
3D model based gesture acquisition using a single camera
P Horain, M Bomb
Sixth IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, 2002.(WACV 2002 …, 2002
Segmentation, modelling and reconstruction of arterial bifurcations in digital angiography
C Pellot, A Herment, M Sigelle, P Horain, P Peronneau
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 30, 576-583, 1992
Demosaicking and JPEG2000 compression of microscopy images
B Parrein, M Tarin, P Horain
2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004. ICIP'04. 1, 521-524, 2004
Conception et ajustement d’un modèle 3D articulé de la main
H Ouhaddi, P Horain
Actes des 6èmes Journées de Travail du GT Réalité Virtuelle, 83-90, 1998
Virtually enhancing the perception of user actions
P Horain, JM Soares, PK Rai, A Bideau
Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Augmented tele-existence …, 2005
Sharing and immersing applications in a 3D virtual inhabited world
JM Soares, P Horain, A Bideau
Laval Virtual 5th virtual reality international conference (VRIC 2003), 27-31, 2003
Region-based vs. edge-based registration for 3D motion capture by real time monoscopic vision
D Jáuregui, P Horain
Computer Vision/Computer Graphics CollaborationTechniques, 344-355, 2009
Real-time particle filtering with heuristics for 3D motion capture by monocular vision
DAG Jáuregui, P Horain, MK Rajagopal, SSK Karri
2010 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 139-144, 2010
Statistical gesture models for 3D motion capture from a library of gestures with variants
Z Li, P Horain, AM Pez, C Pelachaud
Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction: 8th …, 2010
Multimodal human machine interactions in virtual and augmented reality
G Chollet, A Esposito, A Gentes, P Horain, W Karam, Z Li, C Pelachaud, ...
Multimodal Signals: Cognitive and Algorithmic Issues, 1-23, 2009
Acquisition 3D du geste par vision monoscopique en temps réel et téléprésence
JM Soares, P Horain, A Bideau, MH Nguyen
Actes de l’atelier Acquisition du geste humain par vision artificielle et …, 2004
Hand tracking by 3D model registration
H Ouhaddi, P Horain, RC Fourier
International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping, 51-59, 1999
Modélisation et suivi de la main
H Ouhaddi, P Horain, K Mikolajczyk
Actes 4èmes Journées d'études et d'échanges Compression et Représentation …, 1998
Deep CNN frameworks comparison for malaria diagnosis
PA Pattanaik, Z Wang, P Horain
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.02829, 2019
Extraction des arêtes dans des images de distance
P Horain
Actes du 7ème congrès RFIA, 1989
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Articles 1–20