Leticia Bode
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See something, say something: Correction of global health misinformation on social media
L Bode, EK Vraga
Health communication 33 (9), 1131-1140, 2018
In Related News, That Was Wrong: The Correction of Misinformation Through Related Stories Functionality in Social Media (vol 65, pg 619, 2015)
L Bode, EK Vraga
JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 65 (6), 1062-1062, 2015
In Related News, That Was Wrong: The Correction of Misinformation Through Related Stories Functionality in Social Media
L Bode, EK Vraga
Journal of Communication 65 (4), 619-638, 2015
In related news, that was wrong: The correction of misinformation through related stories functionality in social media
L Bode, EK Vraga
Journal of Communication 65 (4), 619-638, 2015
Political news in the news feed: Learning politics from social media
L Bode
Mass Communication and Society 19 (1), 24-48, 2016
Using Expert Sources to Correct Health Misinformation in Social Media
EK Vraga, L Bode
Science Communication 39 (5), 621-645, 2017
A new space for political behavior: Political social networking and its democratic consequences
L Bode, EK Vraga, P Borah, DV Shah
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 19 (3), 414-429, 2014
Defining Misinformation and Understanding its Bounded Nature: Using Expertise and Evidence for Describing Misinformation
EK Vraga, L Bode
Political Communication 37 (1), 136-144, 2020
A first look at COVID-19 information and misinformation sharing on Twitter
L Singh, S Bansal, L Bode, C Budak, G Chi, K Kawintiranon, C Padden, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.13907, 2020
Agenda setting in a digital age: Tracking attention to California Proposition 8 in social media, online news and conventional news
B Sayre, L Bode, D Shah, D Wilcox, C Shah
Policy & Internet 2 (2), 7-32, 2010
I do not believe you: how providing a source corrects health misperceptions across social media platforms
EK Vraga, L Bode
Information, Communication & Society 21 (10), 1337-1353, 2018
Facebooking it to the Polls: A Study in Online Social Networking and Political Behavior
L Bode
Taylor & Francis Group, 2012
Politics in 140 characters or less: Campaign communication, network interaction, and political participation on Twitter
L Bode, KE Dalrymple
Journal of Political Marketing 15 (4), 311-332, 2016
New media, new relationship to participation? A closer look at youth news repertoires and political participation
S Edgerly, EK Vraga, L Bode, K Thorson, E Thorson
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (1), 192-212, 2018
Pruning the news feed: Unfriending and unfollowing political content on social media
L Bode
Research & Politics 3 (3), 2053168016661873, 2016
Designing and testing news literacy messages for social media
M Tully, EK Vraga, L Bode
Mass Communication and Society 23 (1), 22-46, 2020
Creating news literacy messages to enhance expert corrections of misinformation on Twitter
EK Vraga, L Bode, M Tully
Communication Research 49 (2), 245-267, 2022
Beyond self-reports: Using eye tracking to measure topic and style differences in attention to social media content
E Vraga, L Bode, S Troller-Renfree
Communication Methods and Measures 10 (2-3), 149-164, 2016
Closing the gap: gender parity in political engagement on social media
L Bode
Information, Communication & Society 20 (4), 587-603, 2017
Candidate Networks, Citizen Clusters, and Political Expression Strategic Hashtag Use in the 2010 Midterms
L Bode, A Hanna, J Yang, DV Shah
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 659 (1 …, 2015
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