Piers Lawrence
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the security vulnerabilities of LoRa
E Aras, GS Ramachandran, P Lawrence, D Hughes
2017 3rd IEEE international conference on cybernetics (CYBCONF), 1-6, 2017
Block Kronecker linearizations of matrix polynomials and their backward errors
FM Dopico, PW Lawrence, J Pérez, PV Dooren
Numerische Mathematik 140 (2), 373-426, 2018
Algorithm 917: Complex double-precision evaluation of the Wright ω function
PW Lawrence, RM Corless, DJ Jeffrey
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 38 (3), 1-17, 2012
Stability of rootfinding for barycentric Lagrange interpolants
PW Lawrence, RM Corless
Numerical Algorithms 65, 447-464, 2014
μPnP-WAN: Experiences with LoRa and its deployment in DR Congo
GS Ramachandran, F Yang, P Lawrence, S Michiels, W Joosen, ...
2017 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks …, 2017
The impact of parameter identification methods on drug therapy control in an intensive care unit
CE Hann, JG Chase, MF Ypma, J Elfring, NHM Nor, P Lawrence, ...
The open medical informatics journal 2, 92, 2008
Backward error analysis of polynomial eigenvalue problems solved by linearization
PW Lawrence, M Van Barel, P Van Dooren
SIAM journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 37 (1), 123-144, 2016
Constructing strong linearizations of matrix polynomials expressed in Chebyshev bases
PW Lawrence, J Perez
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (3), 683-709, 2017
Numerical stability of barycentric Hermite root-finding
PW Lawrence, RM Corless
Proceedings of the 2011 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric …, 2012
Block Kronecker linearizations of matrix polynomials and their backward errors, MIMS EPrint 2016.34
FM Dopico, P Lawrence, J Pérez, P Van Dooren
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK, 2016
The largest roots of the Mandelbrot polynomials
RM Corless, PW Lawrence
Computational and Analytical Mathematics: In Honor of Jonathan Borwein's …, 2013
μPnP-WAN: Wide area plug and play sensing and actuation with LoRa
F Yang, GS Ramachandran, P Lawrence, S Michiels, W Joosen, ...
2016 International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 225-226, 2016
Backward error of polynomial eigenvalue problems solved by linearization of Lagrange interpolants
PW Lawrence, RM Corless
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 36 (4), 1425-1442, 2015
Fast reduction of generalized companion matrix pairs for barycentric Lagrange interpolants
PW Lawrence
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (3), 1277-1300, 2013
Mandelbrot polynomials and matrices
RM Corless, PW Lawrence
preparation.[14], 0
Micropnp-wan: Experiences with lora and its deployment in dr congo
GS Ramachandran, F Yang, P Lawrence, S Michiels, W Joosen, ...
A fractal eigenvector
NJ Calkin, EYS Chan, RM Corless, DJ Jeffrey, PW Lawrence
The American Mathematical Monthly 129 (6), 503-523, 2022
Developing the IoT to support the health sector: A case study from kikwit, DR congo
PW Lawrence, TM Phippard, GS Ramachandran, D Hughes
Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries: First International EAI …, 2018
Eigenvalue Methods for Interpolation Bases
P Lawrence
status: published, 2013
Spectral rectangular collocation formula: an approach for solving oscillatory initial value problems and/or boundary value problems in ordinary differential equations
OM Ibrahim, PW Lawrence
Turkish J. Anal. Number Theory 7 (1), 11-17, 2019
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Articles 1–20