Michel Anteby
Michel Anteby
Professor of Management & Organizations and Sociology, Boston University Questrom School of Business
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Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis: The Role of Active Categorization in Theory Building
S Grodal, M Anteby, AL Holm
Academy of Management Review 46 (3), 591-612, 2021
Collective memory meets organizational identity: Remembering to forget in a firm’s rhetorical history
M Anteby, V Molnár
Academy of Management Journal 55 (3), 515-540, 2012
Three Lenses on Occupations and Professions in Organizations: Becoming, Doing, and Relating
M Anteby, CK Chan, J DiBenigno
Academy of Management Annals 10 (1), 183-244, 2016
Markets, morals, and practices of trade: Jurisdictional disputes in the U.S. commerce in cadavers
M Anteby
Administrative Science Quarterly 55 (4), 606-638, 2010
Concealable stigma and occupational segregation: Toward a theory of gay and lesbian occupations
A Tilcsik, M Anteby, CR Knight
Administrative Science Quarterly 60 (3), 446-481, 2015
Identity incentives as an engaging form of control: Revisiting leniencies in an aeronautic plant
M Anteby
Organization Science 19 (2), 202-220, 2008
Relaxing the taboo on telling our own stories: Upholding professional distance and personal involvement
M Anteby
Organization Science 24 (4), 1277-1290, 2013
Manufacturing morals: The values of silence in business school education
M Anteby
University of Chicago Press, 2013
Moral gray zones: Side productions, identity, and regulation in an aeronautic plant
M Anteby
Princeton University Press, 2008
A Self-Fulfilling Cycle of Coercive Surveillance: Workers’ Invisibility Practices and Managerial Justification
M Anteby, CK Chan
Organization Science 29 (2), 247-263, 2018
The Shifting Landscape of LGBT Organizational Research
M Anteby, C Anderson
Research in Organizational Behavior 34, 3-25, 2014
Task Segregation as a Mechanism for Within-job Inequality: Women and Men of the Transportation Security Administration
CK Chan, M Anteby
Administrative Science Quarterly 61 (2), 184-216, 2016
La «perruque» en usine: approche d’une pratique marginale, illégale et fuyante
M Anteby
Sociologie du travail 45 (4), 453-471, 2003
Who donates their bodies to science? The combined role of gender and migration status among California whole-body donors
AL Asad, M Anteby, F Garip
Social Science & Medicine 106, 53-58, 2014
The circulation of ideas across academic communities: When locals re-import exported ideas
J Battilana, M Anteby, M Sengul
Organization Studies 31 (6), 695-713, 2010
The "moralities" of poaching: Manufacturing personal artifacts on the factory floor
M Anteby
Ethnography 4 (2), 217-239, 2003
Using qualitative research for “how” questions
M Anteby, H Lifshitz, M Tushman
Strategic Management Journal 3, 2014
The rise of the freelance class: A new constituency of workers building a social safety net
S Horowitz, S Buchanan, M Alexandris, M Anteby, N Rothman, S Syman, ...
Report, Working Today, Brooklyn, NY, 2005
Entrepreneurial ventures and whole-body donations: a regional perspective from the United States
M Anteby, M Hyman
Social Science & Medicine 66 (4), 963-969, 2008
A New Vision - The Human Relations Movement - Baker Library, Harvard Business School, Bloomberg Center, Historical Collections
M Anteby, R Khurana 30, 2007
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