Anne K. Scharf
Anne K. Scharf
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Radolfzell, Germany
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The importance of correcting for sampling bias in MaxEnt species distribution models
S Kramer‐Schadt, J Niedballa, JD Pilgrim, B Schröder, J Lindenborn, ...
Diversity and distributions 19 (11), 1366-1379, 2013
move: visualizing and analyzing animal track data. R package version 3.1. 0
B Kranstauber, M Smolla, AK Scharf
Targeted conservation to safeguard a biodiversity hotspot from climate and land-cover change
MJ Struebig, A Wilting, DLA Gaveau, E Meijaard, RJ Smith, T Abdullah, ...
Current Biology 25 (3), 372-378, 2015
The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography
R Kays, SC Davidson, M Berger, G Bohrer, W Fiedler, A Flack, J Hirt, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (2), 419-431, 2022
Planning tiger recovery: understanding intraspecific variation for effective conservation
A Wilting, A Courtiol, P Christiansen, J Niedballa, AK Scharf, L Orlando, ...
Science advances 1 (5), e1400175, 2015
Patterns and correlates of claims for brown bear damage on a continental scale
C Bautista, J Naves, E Revilla, N Fernández, J Albrecht, AK Scharf, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (1), 282-292, 2017
Long-distance seed dispersal by straw-coloured fruit bats varies by season and landscape
M Abedi-Lartey, DKN Dechmann, M Wikelski, AK Scharf, J Fahr
Global Ecology and Conservation 7, 12-24, 2016
The Movement Ecology of the Straw-Colored Fruit Bat, Eidolon helvum, in Sub-Saharan Africa Assessed by Stable Isotope Ratios
G Ossa, S Kramer-Schadt, AJ Peel, AK Scharf, CC Voigt
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45729, 2012
Habitat suitability does not capture the essence of animal-defined corridors
AK Scharf, JL Belant, DE Beyer, M Wikelski, K Safi
Movement ecology 6, 1-12, 2018
A comprehensive framework for handling location error in animal tracking data
CH Fleming, J Drescher-Lehman, MJ Noonan, TSB Akre, DJ Brown, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.06. 12.130195, 2020
Predicted Pleistocene–Holocene range shifts of the tiger (Panthera tigris)
DM Cooper, AJ Dugmore, BM Gittings, AK Scharf, A Wilting, AC Kitchener
Diversity and Distributions 22 (11), 1199-1211, 2016
Acceleration Data Reveal Highly Individually Structured Energetic Landscapes in Free-Ranging Fishers (Pekania pennanti)
AK Scharf, S LaPoint, M Wikelski, K Safi
PLoS One 11 (2), e0145732, 2016
Up‐scaling local‐habitat models for large‐scale conservation: Assessing suitable areas for the brown bear comeback in Europe
AK Scharf, N Fernández
Diversity and Distributions 24 (11), 1573-1582, 2018
Overall dynamic body acceleration in straw-colored fruit bats increases in headwinds but not with airspeed
MT O'Mara, AK Scharf, J Fahr, M Abedi-Lartey, M Wikelski, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 200, 2019
Package ‘move’
B Kranstauber, M Smolla, AK Scharf, MB Kranstauber
MoveApps: a serverless no-code analysis platform for animal tracking data
A Kölzsch, SC Davidson, D Gauggel, C Hahn, J Hirt, R Kays, I Lang, ...
Movement Ecology 10 (1), 30, 2022
Accelerometer informed time-energy budgets reveal the importance of temperature to the activity of a wild, arid zone canid
J Tatler, SE Currie, P Cassey, AK Scharf, DA Roshier, TAA Prowse
Movement ecology 9, 1-12, 2021
Data from: Overall dynamic body acceleration in straw-colored fruit bats increases in headwinds but not with airspeed
AK Scharf, J Fahr, M Abedi-Lartey, K Safi, DKN Dechmann, M Wikelski, ...
Raumnutzungs-und Flugverhalten von Rotmilanen und Wespenbussarden in Baden-Württemberg unter verschiedenen Witterungs-und Landschaftsbedingungen. Abschlussbericht an das Land …
W Fiedler, AK Scharf, M Scacco
LUBW, 2021
move2: R package for processing movement data
B Kranstauber, K Safi, AK Scharf
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15 (9), 1561-1567, 2024
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