Eva A. van Reijmersdal
Eva A. van Reijmersdal
Associate Professor of Persuasive Communication
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Interactivity in brand web sites: cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses explained by consumers’ online flow experience
G Van Noort, HAM Voorveld, EA Van Reijmersdal
Journal of interactive marketing 26 (4), 223-234, 2012
Reconsidering advertising literacy as a defense against advertising effects
E Rozendaal, MA Lapierre, EA Van Reijmersdal, M Buijzen
Media psychology 14 (4), 333-354, 2011
Sponsorship Disclosure: Effects of Duration on Persuasion Knowledge and Brand Responses
SC Boerman, EA Reijmersdal, PC Neijens
Journal of Communication, 2012
Effects of online advertising format and persuasion knowledge on audience reactions
K Tutaj, EA Van Reijmersdal
Journal of marketing communications 18 (1), 5-18, 2012
Introducing the PCMC model: An investigative framework for young people's processing of commercialized media content
M Buijzen, EA Van Reijmersdal, LH Owen
Communication Theory 20 (4), 427-450, 2010
Effects of prominence, involvement, and persuasion knowledge on children's cognitive and affective responses to advergames
EA Van Reijmersdal, E Rozendaal, M Buijzen
Journal of interactive marketing 26 (1), 33-42, 2012
Effects of disclosing sponsored content in blogs: How the use of resistance strategies mediates effects on persuasion
EA Van Reijmersdal, ML Fransen, G Van Noort, SJ Opree, L Vandeberg, ...
American Behavioral Scientist 60 (12), 1458-1474, 2016
Effects of television brand placement on brand image
EA Van Reijmersdal, PC Neijens, EG Smit
Psychology & marketing 24 (5), 403-420, 2007
Effects of sponsorship disclosure timing on the processing of sponsored content: A study on the effectiveness of European disclosure regulations
SC Boerman, EA Van Reijmersdal, PC Neijens
Psychology & Marketing 31 (3), 214-224, 2014
Brand placement prominence: Good for memory! Bad for attitudes?
E Van Reijmersdal
Journal of advertising research 49 (2), 151-153, 2009
Using eye tracking to understand the effects of brand placement disclosure types in television programs
SC Boerman, EA Van Reijmersdal, PC Neijens
Journal of Advertising 44 (3), 196-207, 2015
A new branch of advertising: Reviewing factors that influence reactions to product placement
E Van Reijmersdal, P Neijens, EG Smit
Journal of advertising research 49 (4), 429-449, 2009
Try online before you buy: How does shopping with augmented reality affect brand responses and personal data disclosure
AR Smink, S Frowijn, EA van Reijmersdal, G van Noort, PC Neijens
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 35, 100854, 2019
Disclosing influencer marketing on YouTube to children: The moderating role of para-social relationship
SC Boerman, EA Van Reijmersdal
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 3042, 2020
Shopping in augmented reality: The effects of spatial presence, personalization and intrusiveness on app and brand responses
AR Smink, EA Van Reijmersdal, G Van Noort, PC Neijens
Journal of Business Research 118, 474-485, 2020
Social connections and the persuasiveness of viral campaigns in social network sites: Persuasive intent as the underlying mechanism
G Van Noort, ML Antheunis, EA Van Reijmersdal
Journal of Marketing Communications 18 (1), 39-53, 2012
The privacy trade-off for mobile app downloads: The roles of app value, intrusiveness, and privacy concerns
VM Wottrich, EA van Reijmersdal, EG Smit
Decision support systems 106, 44-52, 2018
Readers' reactions to mixtures of advertising and editorial content in magazines
E Van Reijmersdal, P Neijens, E Smit
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 27 (2), 39-53, 2005
Insights in adolescents’ advertising literacy, perceptions and responses regarding sponsored influencer videos and disclosures
S Van Dam, E Van Reijmersdal
Cyberpsychology: journal of psychosocial research on cyberspace 13 (2), 2019
The effects of interactive brand placements in online games on children’s cognitive, affective, and conative brand responses
EA Van Reijmersdal, J Jansz, O Peters, G Van Noort
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (6), 1787-1794, 2010
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