Sharon Biermann
Sharon Biermann
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The implications of the sharing economy for transport
C Standing, S Standing, S Biermann
Transport Reviews 39 (2), 226-242, 2019
Measuring the accessibility of public transport: A critical comparison between methods in Helsinki
X Albacete, D Olaru, V Paül, S Biermann
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 10, 161-188, 2017
Cross-docking: A systematic literature review
R Kiani Mavi, M Goh, N Kiani Mavi, F Jie, K Brown, S Biermann, ...
Sustainability 12 (11), 4789, 2020
Factors affecting the adoption of shared mobility systems: Evidence from Australia
F Jie, C Standing, S Biermann, S Standing, T Le
Research in Transportation Business & Management 41, 100651, 2021
Advances in spatial analysis to support a more nuanced reading of the South African space economy
E Van Huyssteen, S Biermann, A Naudé, A Le Roux
Urban Forum 20, 195-214, 2009
Place vs. node transit: Planning policies revisited
D Olaru, S Moncrieff, G McCarney, Y Sun, T Reed, C Pattison, B Smith, ...
Sustainability 11 (2), 477, 2019
Innovations in freight transport: A systematic literature evaluation and COVID implications
R Kiani Mavi, N Kiani Mavi, D Olaru, S Biermann, S Chi
The International Journal of Logistics Management 33 (4), 1157-1195, 2022
Planning support systems in a multi-dualistic spatial planning context
S Biermann
Journal of Urban Technology 18 (4), 5-37, 2011
Strategic planning for employment self-containment in metropolitan sub-regions
K Martinus, S Biermann
Urban Policy and research 36 (1), 35-47, 2018
Low-cost housing location in South African cities: Empirical findings on costs and benefits
S Biermann, M Van Ryneveld, CJ Venter
SATC 2004, 2004
A Data-Driven Approach to Exploring Future Land Use and Transport Scenarios: The Online What If? Tool
C Pettit, S Biermann, C Pelizaro, A Bakelmun
Journal of urban technology 27 (2), 21-44, 2020
Estimating water savings from mandated rainwater tanks in South East Queensland
MN Chong, S Umapathi, A Mankad, T Gardner, A Sharma, S Biermann
Science Forum and Stakeholder Engagement: Building Linkages, Collaboration …, 2011
Estimating the size of Australia’s suburban population
DLA Gordon, PJ Maginn, S Biermann, A Sisson, I Huston, ...
PATREC Perspectives 28, 2015
The sustainable location of low-income housing development in South African urban areas
S Biermann
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 84, 1970
The strategic identification of suitable land for low income housing: A case study from South Africa
SM Biermann
Spatial Multicriteria Decision Making and Analysis, 199-222, 2019
Bulk engineering services: Costs and densities
S Biermann
Compact cities, 307-322, 2002
Assessing the accessibility of activity centres and their prioritisation: a case study for Perth Metropolitan Area
M Moniruzzaman, D Olaru, S Biermann
Urban, Planning and Transport Research 5 (1), 1-21, 2017
Improving the location of low income housing delivery in South African urban areas.
SM Biermann, M Van Ryneveld
Cost variation with density and distance and implications for sustainable urban form
S Biermann
5th Symposium of international Urban Planning and Environmental Association …, 2002
Assessment of the Physical Characteristics of Individual Household Rainwater Tank Systems in South East Queensland
S Biermann, A Sharma, MN Chong, S Umapathi, S Cook
Urban Water Security Research Alliance, 2012
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