Andreas Genoni
Andreas Genoni
Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), Germany
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German emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Methodology and data manual of the baseline survey (wave 1)
A Ette, JPP Decieux, M Erlinghagen, A Genoni, JG Auditor, F Knirsch, ...
Wiesbaden, 2020
Status transition in the educational system and well-being of migrant adolescents in cross-national comparison
B Nauck, A Genoni
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 47-69, 2019
Setting up Probability-Based Online Panels of Migrants with a Push-to-Web Approach: Lessons Learned from the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS)
A Genoni, JP Décieux, A Ette, N Witte
The Global Lives of German Migrants: Consequences of International Migration …, 2021
Globale Bevölkerungsentwicklung
E Loichinger, F Swianczny, A Genoni, N Sander, R Westermann
Fakten und Trends. Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden 16, 2021
Internationale Mobilität und Sozialstruktur
A Ette, A Genoni, N Witte
Datenreport 2021. Ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 316-323, 2021
Generationenbeziehungen von Migranten
A Genoni, B Nauck
Handbuch Migration und Erfolg: Psychologische und sozialwissenschaftliche …, 2020
Status and Ethnic Identity: A Study on First-and Second-Generation Migrants in Germany
A Genoni
Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2022
Globale Bevölkerungsentwicklung. Fakten und Trends
E Loichinger, F Swiaczny, A Genoni, N Sander, R Westermann
German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Third Wave
N Witte, JPP Décieux, M Erlinghagen, A Ette, A Genoni, JG Auditor, ...
German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS): Documentation of the Second Wave
JP Décieux, N Witte, M Erlinghagen, A Ette, A Genoni, J Guedes Auditor, ...
DEU 2, 248, 2021
Subjektives Wohlbefinden und demografische Ereignisse im Lebenslauf
V Cihlar, A Genoni, N Milewski, CK Spieß, N Stawarz
WISTA–Wirtschaft und Statistik 75 (6), 69-80, 2023
Is it all about the costs? Cultural distance and adjustment of recent migrants
A Genoni, JP Décieux, E Murdock
OSF, 2023
Data visualisation in migration research: the case of circular migration plots
N Sander, A Genoni
Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, 296-311, 2024
International migration and shifts in subjective well-being: A longitudinal study using German panel data
A Genoni, N Stawarz, A Ette, H Rüger
Migration Studies, 1-19, 2024
Do We Have to Be Someone to Belong Somewhere?
A Genoni
University of Hamburg, 2022
When expectations backfire: Unmet migration expectations and changes in the destination attachment of recent immigrants to Switzerland
A Genoni, D Ruedin
OSF, 0
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