Maarten van Ham
Cited by
Cited by
Socioeconomic segregation in European capital cities. Increasing separation between poor and rich
S Musterd, S Marcińczak, M van Ham, T Tammaru
Urban Geography 38 (7), 1062-1083, 2017
Re-thinking residential mobility: Linking lives through time and space.
R Coulter, M van Ham, A Findlay
Progress in Human Geography, 2015
Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities. East Meets West
T Tammaru, S Marcińczak, S van Ham, Maarten, Musterd
Routledge, 2016
Neighbourhood effects research: New perspectives
M Ham, D Manley, N Bailey, L Simpson, D Maclennan
Neighbourhood effects research: New perspectives, 1-21, 2012
Minority ethnic groups in the Dutch housing market: Spatial segregation, relocation dynamics and housing policy
G Bolt, R Van Kempen, M Van Ham
Urban Studies 45 (7), 1359-1384, 2008
Overeducation, regional labor markets, and spatial flexibility
F Büchel, M Van Ham
Journal of Urban Economics 53 (3), 482-493, 2003
Does migration make you happy? A longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being
B Nowok, M van Ham, A Findlay, G Vernon
Environment and Planning A 45 (4), 982-1002, 2013
Determinants of neighbourhood satisfaction and perception of neighbourhood reputation
M Permentier, G Bolt, M van Ham
Urban Studies 48 (5), 977-996, 2011
Using Social Media and Mobile Technologies to Foster Engagement and Self-Organization in Participatory Urban Planning and Neighbourhood Governance
R Kleinhans, M Van Ham, J Evans-Cowley
Planning Practice & Research 30 (3), 237-247, 2015
Neighbourhood change... reason to leave?
P Feijten, M Van Ham
Urban studies 46 (10), 2103-2122, 2009
Who wants to leave the neighbourhood? The effect of being different from the neighbourhood population on wishes to move
M Van Ham, P Feijten
Environment and Planning A 40 (5), 1151-1170, 2008
Residential mobility and migration of the divorced and separated
P Feijten, M Van Ham
Demographic Research 17, 623-654, 2007
Intergenerational transmission of neighbourhood poverty: an analysis of neighbourhood histories of individuals
M Van Ham, L Hedman, D Manley, R Coulter, J Östh
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 39 (3), 402-417, 2014
Neighbourhood mobility in context: household moves and changing neighbourhoods in the Netherlands
M Van Ham, WAV Clark
Environment and planning A 41 (6), 1442-1459, 2009
Following people through time: An analysis of individual residential mobility biographies
R Coulter, M Van Ham
Housing Studies 28 (7), 1037-1055, 2013
The effect of neighbourhood housing tenure mix on labour market outcomes: a longitudinal investigation of neighbourhood effects
M Van Ham, D Manley
Journal of Economic Geography 10, 257 - 282, 2010
Understanding neighbourhood effects: Selection bias and residential mobility
L Hedman, M Ham
Neighbourhood effects research: New perspectives, 79-99, 2012
A longitudinal analysis of moving desires, expectations and actual moving behaviour
R Coulter, M van Ham, P Feijten
Environment and Planning A 43 (11), 2742-2760, 2011
Neighbourhood effects research at a crossroads. Ten challenges for future research
M van Ham, D Manley
Environment and Planning A 44, 2787-2793, 2012
Relationship between income inequality and residential segregation of socioeconomic groups
T Tammaru, S Marcin´ czak, R Aunap, M van Ham, H Janssen
Regional Studies 54 (4), 450-461, 2020
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Articles 1–20