Michael Rademacher
Michael Rademacher
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Path Loss Models for Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Experimental Results using LoRa
H Linka, M Rademacher, OG Aliu, K Jonas
VDE ITG-Fachbericht Mobilkommunikation, 10-14, 2018
Software-defined wireless mesh networking: Current status and challenges
M Rademacher, K Jonas, F Siebertz, A Rzyska, M Schlebusch, M Kessel
The Computer Journal 60 (10), 1520-1535, 2017
Path loss in urban LoRa networks: A large-scale measurement study
M Rademacher, H Linka, T Horstmann, M Henze
2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall), 1-6, 2021
Quantifying the spectrum occupancy in an outdoor 5 GHz WiFi network with directional antennas
M Rademacher, K Jonas, M Kretschmer
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
Experiments with OpenFlow and IEEE802. 11 Point-to-Point Links in a WMN
M Rademacher, F Siebertz, M Schlebusch, K Jonas
ICWMC 2016, 111, 2016
Link calibration and property estimation in self-managed wireless back-haul networks
M Kretschmer, T Horstmann, P Batroff, M Rademacher, G Ghinea
2012 18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 232-237, 2012
Experimental Results For the Propagation of Outdoor IEEE802.11 Links
M Rademacher, M Kessel, K Jonas
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation 21, 2016
EPF: An evolutionary, protocol-aware, and coverage-guided network fuzzing framework
R Helmke, E Winter, M Rademacher
2021 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 1-7, 2021
An empirical evaluation of the received signal strength indicator for fixed outdoor 802.11 links
M Rademacher, K Jonas, M Kessel
Mobilkommunikation-Technologien und Anwendungen. Vorträge der 20. ITG …, 2015
Exploiting ieee802. 11n mimo technology for cost-effective broadband back-hauling
M Rademacher, M Kretschmer, K Jonas
e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 5th International …, 2014
Fuzzing of scada protocols used in smart grids
E Winter, M Rademacher
Energy Inform 3, 1-3, 2020
Performance estimation and optimization of the IEEE802. 11 MAC layer for long distance point-to-point links
M Rademacher
Bounds for the Scalability of TLS over LoRaWAN
M Rademacher, H Linka, J Konrad, T Horstmann, K Jonas
Mobile Communication-Technologies and Applications; 26th ITG-Symposium, 1-6, 2022
Security mechanisms of wireless building automation systems
K Jonas, B Vogl, M Rademacher
DCF modeling and optimization of long-distance IEEE 802.11 n point-to-point links
M Rademacher, K Jonas, M Kretschmer
VDE ITG-Fachbericht Mobilkommunikation 19, 2014
Security vulnerabilities in 5G non-stand-alone networks: A systematic analysis and attack taxonomy
MS Wani, M Rademacher, T Horstmann, M Kretschmer
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 4 (1), 23-40, 2024
A Token-Based MAC For Long-Distance IEEE802.11 Point-To-Point Links
M Rademacher, M Chauchet, K Jonas
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation 21, 2016
Securing wireless communication in critical infrastructure: challenges and opportunities
J Bodenhausen, C Sorgatz, T Vogt, K Grafflage, S Rötzel, M Rademacher, ...
International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing …, 2023
Evaluation of LoRa in a Real-World Smart City: Selected Insights and Findings
T Horstmann, M Rademacher, M Roobi, S Weckmann
Mobile Communication-Technologies and Applications; 27th ITG-Symposium, 91-96, 2023
Technical Fundamentals of Blockchain Systems
O Kattwinkel, M Rademacher
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