Mingrui Zhao
Mingrui Zhao
Weill Cornell Medcine
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SHED: stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth
M Miura, S Gronthos, M Zhao, B Lu, LW Fisher, PG Robey, S Shi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (10), 5807-5812, 2003
Neurogenesis in the adult is involved in the formation of trace memories
TJ Shors, G Miesegaes, A Beylin, M Zhao, T Rydel, E Gould
Nature 410 (6826), 372-376, 2001
Neurogenesis may relate to some but not all types of hippocampal‐dependent learning
TJ Shors, DA Townsend, M Zhao, Y Kozorovitskiy, E Gould
Hippocampus 12 (5), 578-584, 2002
NT-3 facilitates hippocampal plasticity and learning and memory by regulating neurogenesis
K Shimazu, M Zhao, K Sakata, S Akbarian, B Bates, R Jaenisch, B Lu
Learning & Memory 13 (3), 307-315, 2006
Fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 is required for long-term potentiation, memory consolidation, and neurogenesis
M Zhao, D Li, K Shimazu, YX Zhou, B Lu, CX Deng
Biological psychiatry 62 (5), 381-390, 2007
Intrinsic optical signal imaging of neocortical seizures: the ‘epileptic dip’
S Bahar, M Suh, M Zhao, TH Schwartz
Neuroreport 17 (5), 499-503, 2006
Focal increases in perfusion and decreases in hemoglobin oxygenation precede seizure onset in spontaneous human epilepsy
M Zhao, M Suh, H Ma, C Perry, A Geneslaw, TH Schwartz
Epilepsia 48 (11), 2059-2067, 2007
Preictal and ictal neurovascular and metabolic coupling surrounding a seizure focus
M Zhao, J Nguyen, H Ma, N Nishimura, CB Schaffer, TH Schwartz
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (37), 13292-13300, 2011
Spatiotemporal dynamics of perfusion and oximetry during ictal discharges in the rat neocortex
M Zhao, H Ma, M Suh, TH Schwartz
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (9), 2814-2823, 2009
Energy deficit in parvalbumin neurons leads to circuit dysfunction, impaired sensory gating and social disability
M Inan, M Zhao, M Manuszak, C Karakaya, AM Rajadhyaksha, VM Pickel, ...
Neurobiology of disease 93, 35-46, 2016
Transcriptional profiling reveals regulated genes in the hippocampus during memory formation
CP Donahue, RV Jensen, T Ochiishi, I Eisenstein, M Zhao, T Shors, ...
Hippocampus 12 (6), 821-833, 2002
Dynamic neurovascular coupling and uncoupling during ictal onset, propagation, and termination revealed by simultaneous in vivo optical imaging of neural activity and local …
H Ma, M Zhao, TH Schwartz
Cerebral cortex 23 (4), 885-899, 2013
Role of inhibitory control in modulating focal seizure spread
J Liou, H Ma, M Wenzel, M Zhao, E Baird-Daniel, EH Smith, A Daniel, ...
Brain 141 (7), 2083-2097, 2018
Neurovascular coupling and oximetry during epileptic events
M Suh, H Ma, M Zhao, S Sharif, TH Schwartz
Molecular neurobiology 33, 181-197, 2006
Cerebellar deficits and hyperactivity in mice lacking Smad4
YX Zhou, M Zhao, D Li, K Shimazu, K Sakata, CX Deng, B Lu
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (43), 42313-42320, 2003
Tau pathogenesis is promoted by Aβ1-42 but not Aβ1-40
X Hu, X Li, M Zhao, A Gottesdiener, W Luo, S Paul
Molecular neurodegeneration 9, 1-11, 2014
Hemodynamic surrogates for excitatory membrane potential change during interictal epileptiform events in rat neocortex
H Ma, M Zhao, M Suh, TH Schwartz
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (5), 2550-2562, 2009
Optogenetic tools for modulating and probing the epileptic network
M Zhao, R Alleva, H Ma, AGS Daniel, TH Schwartz
Epilepsy research 116, 15-26, 2015
Tissue hypoxia correlates with intensity of interictal spikes
AS Geneslaw, M Zhao, H Ma, TH Schwartz
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 31 (6), 1394-1402, 2011
Wide-field in vivo neocortical calcium dye imaging using a convection-enhanced loading technique combined with simultaneous multiwavelength imaging of …
H Ma, S Harris, R Rahmani, CO Lacefield, M Zhao, AGS Daniel, Z Zhou, ...
Neurophotonics 1 (1), 015003-015003, 2014
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