Dr. Henning Helmers
Dr. Henning Helmers
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Increasing the efficiency of fluorescent concentrator systems
JC Goldschmidt, M Peters, A Bösch, H Helmers, F Dimroth, SW Glunz, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (2), 176-182, 2009
68.9% efficient GaAs‐based photonic power conversion enabled by photon recycling and optical resonance
H Helmers, E Lopez, O Höhn, D Lackner, J Schön, M Schauerte, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 15 (7), 2100113, 2021
Influence of temperature and irradiance on triple-junction solar subcells
H Helmers, M Schachtner, AW Bett
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 116, 144-152, 2013
0.5-Gb/s OFDM-based laser data and power transfer using a GaAs photovoltaic cell
J Fakidis, S Videv, H Helmers, H Haas
2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 1-4, 2018
6-W optical power link with integrated optical data transmission
H Helmers, C Armbruster, M von Ravenstein, D Derix, C Schöner
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 35 (8), 7904-7909, 2020
A high-efficiency hybrid high-concentration photovoltaic system
S Zimmermann, H Helmers, MK Tiwari, S Paredes, B Michel, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 514-521, 2015
Optimal laser wavelength for efficient laser power converter operation over temperature
O Höhn, AW Walker, AW Bett, H Helmers
Applied Physics Letters 108 (24), 2016
Multi-linear performance model for hybrid (C) PVT solar collectors
H Helmers, K Kramer
Solar Energy 92, 313-322, 2013
Modeling of concentrating photovoltaic and thermal systems
H Helmers, AW Bett, J Parisi, C Agert
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 22 (4), 427-439, 2014
Simultaneous wireless data and power transfer for a 1-Gb/s GaAs VCSEL and photovoltaic link
J Fakidis, H Helmers, H Haas
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32 (19), 1277-1280, 2020
Bandgap determination based on electrical quantum efficiency
H Helmers, C Karcher, AW Bett
Applied Physics Letters 103 (3), 2013
Reliable and lightning‐safe monitoring of wind turbine rotor blades using optically powered sensors
K Worms, C Klamouris, F Wegh, L Meder, D Volkmer, SP Philipps, ...
Wind Energy 20 (2), 345-360, 2017
On the temperature dependence of dual‐junction laser power converters
SK Reichmuth, H Helmers, SP Philipps, M Schachtner, G Siefer, AW Bett
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 25 (1), 67-75, 2017
The interaction of standards and innovation: Hybrid photovoltaic–thermal collectors
K Kramer, H Helmers
Solar Energy 98, 434-439, 2013
Comprehensive electrical loss analysis of monolithic interconnected multi‐segment laser power converters
R Kimovec, H Helmers, AW Bett, M Topič
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 27 (3), 199-209, 2019
Advanced concepts in concentrating photovoltaics (CPV)
M Wiesenfarth, H Helmers, SP Philipps, M Steiner, AW Bett
Proceeding of 27th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition 24, 28, 2012
Impact of photon recycling and luminescence coupling on III–V single and dual junction photovoltaic devices
AW Walker, O Höhn, DN Micha, L Wagner, H Helmers, AW Bett, F Dimroth
Journal of Photonics for Energy 5 (1), 053087-053087, 2015
Optical analysis of deviations in a concentrating photovoltaics central receiver system with a flux homogenizer
H Helmers, WY Thor, T Schmidt, DW van Rooyen, AW Bett
Applied optics 52 (13), 2974-2984, 2013
Temperature‐dependent electroluminescence and voltages of multi‐junction solar cells
C Karcher, H Helmers, M Schachtner, F Dimroth, AW Bett
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 22 (7), 757-763, 2014
Processing techniques for monolithic interconnection of solar cells at wafer level
H Helmers, E Oliva, W Bronner, F Dimroth, AW Bett
IEEE Transactions on electron devices 57 (12), 3355-3360, 2010
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