Luiz Carlos Sandoval Goes
Cited by
Cited by
Multiphysics NVH modeling: Simulation of a switched reluctance motor for an electric vehicle
FLM Dos Santos, J Anthonis, F Naclerio, JJC Gyselinck, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (1), 469-476, 2013
Vibration-based damage detection for a composite helicopter main rotor blade
FLM Dos Santos, B Peeters, H Van Der Auweraer, LCS Góes, W Desmet
Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 3, 22-27, 2016
The use of strain gauges in vibration-based damage detection
FLM dos Santos, B Peeters, J Lau, W Desmet, LCS Goes
Journal of Physics: conference series 628 (1), 012119, 2015
Attitude and vibration control of a satellite containing flexible solar arrays by using reaction wheels, and piezoelectric transducers as sensors and actuators
IM da Fonseca, DA Rade, LCS Goes, T de Paula Sales
Acta Astronautica 139, 357-366, 2017
An adaptive piezoelectric vibration absorber enhanced by a negative capacitance applied to a shell structure
JAB Gripp, LCS Goes, O Heuss, F Scinocca
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (12), 125017, 2015
Cabin temperature control model for commercial aircraft
R Romani, LC de Góes
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 4637, 2012
Attitude dynamics and control of a spacecraft like a robotic manipulator when implementing on-orbit servicing
IM Da Fonseca, LCS Goes, N Seito, MK da Silva Duarte, ÉJ de Oliveira
Acta Astronautica 137, 490-497, 2017
Liquid rocket combustion chamber acoustic characterization
R Pirk, CA Souto, DD Silveira, CM Souza, LCS Góes
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 2 (3), 269-278, 2010
A note on the attenuation of the sommerfeld effect of a non-ideal system taking into account a MR damper and the complete model of a DC motor
KAL Castão, LCS Goes, JM Balthazar
Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (7), 1112-1118, 2011
Aircraft parameter estimation using output-error methods
LCS Góes, EM Hemerly, BCO Maciel, WR Neto, CB Mendonca, J Hoff
Inverse problems in science and engineering 14 (6), 651-664, 2006
Adaptive stochastic filtering for online aircraft flight path reconstruction
CB De Mendonça, EM Hemerly, LCS Góes
Journal of aircraft 44 (5), 1546-1558, 2007
Failure analysis methods in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications
BJOM Franco, LCS Góes
Proceedings of COBEM 2007 19th International Congress of Mechanical …, 2007
Vibro-acoustic analysis of the Brazilian vehicle satellite launcher (VLS) fairing
R Pirk, W Desmet, B Pluymers, P Sas, LCS Goes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration …, 2002
Comparison of in-flight measured and computed aeroelastic damping: modal identification procedures and modeling approaches
RC Follador, CE Souza, AG Marto, RGA Silva, LCS Góes
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management 8 (2), 163-177, 2016
Flight dynamics modeling of a flexible wing unmanned aerial vehicle
DFC Zúñiga, AG Souza, LCS Góes
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 145, 106900, 2020
Model based system testing: bringing testing and simulation close together
FLM dos Santos, R Pastorino, B Peeters, C Faria, W Desmet, ...
Structural Health Monitoring, Damage Detection & Mechatronics, Volume 7 …, 2016
An overview of experimental strain-based modal analysis methods
FLM Dos Santos, B Peeters, J Lau, W Desmet, LCS Góes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration …, 2014
Accumulative learning using multiple ANN for flexible link control
ADA Neto, LCS Goes, CL Nascimento
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 46 (2), 508-524, 2010
Flutter analysis including structural uncertainties
DD Bueno, LCS Góes, PJP Gonçalves
Meccanica 50, 2093-2101, 2015
Modeling and robust analysis of a liquid rocket engine
A Santana, Jr, F Barbosa, M Niwa, L Goes
36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 3160, 2000
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Articles 1–20