Michael Browne
Michael Browne
Professor of Logistics, University of Gothenburg
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Green Logistics: Improving the environmental sustainability of logistics
A McKinnon, M Browne, A Whiteing
Kogan Page Publishers, 2012
Urban logistics––how can it meet policy makers’ sustainability objectives?
S Anderson, J Allen, M Browne
Journal of Transport Geography 13 (1), 71-81, 2005
Home delivery and the impacts on urban freight transport: A review
J Visser, T Nemoto, M Browne
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 125, 15-27, 2014
Urban freight consolidation centres final report
M Browne, M Sweet, A Woodburn, J Allen
Transport Studies Group, University of Westminster 10, 2005
The role of urban consolidation centres in sustainable freight transport
J Allen, M Browne, A Woodburn, J Leonardi
Transport Reviews 32 (4), 473-490, 2012
Evaluating the use of an urban consolidation centre and electric vehicles in central London
M Browne, J Allen, J Leonardi
IATSS research 35 (1), 1-6, 2011
Reducing social and environmental impacts of urban freight transport: A review of some major cities
M Browne, J Allen, T Nemoto, D Patier, J Visser
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 19-33, 2012
Understanding urban freight activity–key issues for freight planning
T Cherrett, J Allen, F McLeod, S Maynard, A Hickford, M Browne
Journal of Transport Geography 24, 22-32, 2012
European logistics: markets, management and strategy
J Cooper, M Browne, M Peters
Blackwell Business, 1991
Logistics management and costs of biomass fuel supply
J Allen, M Browne, A Hunter, J Boyd, H Palmer
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 28 (6 …, 1998
The rise of on-demand ‘Instant Deliveries’ in European cities
L Dablanc, E Morganti, N Arvidsson, J Woxenius, M Browne, N Saidi
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 18 (4), 203-217, 2017
Investigating relationships between road freight transport, facility location, logistics management and urban form
J Allen, M Browne, T Cherrett
Journal of Transport Geography 24, 45-57, 2012
A framework for considering policies to encourage sustainable urban freight traffic and goods/service flows
J Allen, S Anderson, M Browne, P Jones
Summary Report. Transport Studies Group, University of Westminister, UK, 2000
Local authority cooperation with urban freight stakeholders: A comparison of partnership approaches
M Lindholm, M Browne
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 13 (1), 20-38, 2013
BESTUFS Good practice guide on urban freight transport
J Allen, G Thorne, M Browne
State of the art and practice of urban freight management: Part I: Infrastructure, vehicle-related, and traffic operations
J Holguín-Veras, JA Leal, I Sánchez-Diaz, M Browne, J Wojtowicz
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 137, 360-382, 2020
A methodology for the evaluation of urban logistics innovations
D Patier, M Browne
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (3), 6229-6241, 2010
Before-after assessment of a logistics trial with clean urban freight vehicles: A case study in London
J Leonardi, M Browne, J Allen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 39, 146-157, 2012
Survey techniques in urban freight transport studies
J Allen, M Browne, T Cherrett
Transport reviews 32 (3), 287-311, 2012
Technical and operational obstacles to the adoption of electric vans in France and the UK: An operator perspective
E Morganti, M Browne
Transport Policy 63, 90-97, 2018
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