John Long Soon
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Cited by
Reconfigurable Non-isolated DC-DC converter with fault-tolerant capability
JL Soon, DDC Lu, JCH Peng, W Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2020
Design of fuse–MOSFET pair for fault-tolerant DC/DC converters
JL Soon, DDC Lu
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 31 (9), 6069-6074, 2016
A high conversion ratio and high-efficiency bidirectional DC–DC converter with reduced voltage stress
W Hassan, JL Soon, DDC Lu, W Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (11), 11827-11842, 2020
A family of transformer-less single-switch dual-inductor high voltage gain boost converters with reduced voltage and current stresses
L Qin, L Zhou, W Hassan, JL Soon, M Tian, J Shen
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (5), 5674-5685, 2020
Derivation of dual-switch step-down DC/DC converters with fault-tolerant capability
DDC Lu, JL Soon, D Verstraete
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (9), 6064-6068, 2016
A simple open-circuit fault detection method for a fault-tolerant DC/DC converter
JL Soon, DDC Lu
2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive …, 2015
Modeling and analysis of thermal resistances and thermal coupling between power devices
K Wei, DDC Lu, C Zhang, YP Siwakoti, JL Soon, Q Yao
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 66 (10), 4302-4308, 2019
Droop-controlled inverters as educational control design project
JCH Peng, G Raman, JL Soon, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (2), 1623-1633, 2021
Transformerless high-gain three-port converter with low voltage stress and reduced switches for standalone PV systems
L Qin, T Qian, JL Soon, W Hassan, M Tian, L Zhou, L Ren
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (11), 13468-13483, 2022
Improved quadratic boost converter using cross coupled-inductor
Y Li, JL Soon, S Sathiakumar
2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), 1-6, 2018
An advanced harmonic extraction technique applied to a three-phase three-level active power filter
M Kashif, MJ Hossain, F Zhuo, S Shi, JL Soon
2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE …, 2017
Two-transistor step-down dc/dc converters with fault-tolerant capability
DDC Lu, JL Soon, D Verstraete
2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-5, 2014
Transformer-less soft-switching high-gain PWM boost converter with reduced components and increased effective duty cycle
L Qin, L Zhou, W Hassan, JL Soon, M Tian, J Mao, L Ren
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (2 …, 2022
Development of multi-mode step down DC/DC converters with fault-tolerant capability
JL Soon, DDC Lu, L Qin, S Sathiakumar
2017 IEEE 3rd International Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE …, 2017
Interleaved Split-Switched-Capacitor Boost Converter with Continuous Output Current for Electric Vehicle Standalone Photovoltaic Charging Systems
L Qin, T Qian, JL Soon, W Hassan, Y Liu, J Mao
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023
Hybrid PFM and SPWM Control Scheme for DCM Single-Leg-Integrated Boost Inverter
L Qin, B Duan, JL Soon, W Hassan, J Shen, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (12), 12288-12298, 2023
Optimized coupled inductor DC/DC converter by integrating snubber circuit with voltage lift technique
W Hassan, JL Soon, S Gautam, DDC Lu, W Xiao
IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics …, 2020
Current Ripple Reduction Using AC Core Biasing in DC–DC Converters
JL Soon, GP Raman, JCH Peng, DDC Lu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (10), 10058-10067, 2020
Multiple lift DC–DC boost converter using CLC cell
Y Li, S Sathiakumar, JL Soon
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 16 (1), 46-55, 2019
Analysis and Experimental Verification of High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter for DC Microgrids
R Wang, W Hassan, M Negnevitsky, JL Soon
2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids …, 2023
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Articles 1–20