Wolfgang Lutz
Wolfgang Lutz
Professor, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Trier, Germany
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Evaluation of psychotherapy: Efficacy, effectiveness, and patient progress.
KI Howard, K Moras, PL Brill, Z Martinovich, W Lutz
American psychologist 51 (10), 1059, 1996
Enhancing outcome for potential treatment failures: Therapist–client feedback and clinical support tools
SC Harmon, MJ Lambert, DM Smart, E Hawkins, SL Nielsen, K Slade, ...
Psychotherapy research 17 (4), 379-392, 2007
Therapist effects in outpatient psychotherapy: A three-level growth curve approach.
W Lutz, SC Leon, Z Martinovich, JS Lyons, WB Stiles
Journal of Counseling Psychology 54 (1), 32, 2007
Approaches and Applications
Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change, 85, 2013
Assessing treatment progress of individual patients using expected treatment response models.
RJ Lueger, KI Howard, Z Martinovich, W Lutz, EE Anderson, G Grissom
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69 (2), 150, 2001
The ups and downs of psychotherapy: Sudden gains and sudden losses identified with session reports
W Lutz, T Ehrlich, J Rubel, N Hallwachs, MA Röttger, C Jorasz, S Mocanu, ...
Psychotherapy Research 23 (1), 14-24, 2013
Research on psychotherapy integration: Building on the past, looking to the future
LG Castonguay, CF Eubanks, MR Goldfried, JC Muran, W Lutz
Psychotherapy Research 25 (3), 365-382, 2015
Advancing psychotherapy and evidence‐based psychological interventions
PMG Emmelkamp, D David, TOM Beckers, P Muris, P Cuijpers, W Lutz, ...
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 23 (S1), 58-91, 2014
Effects of an Internet intervention (Deprexis) on severe depression symptoms: randomized controlled trial
B Meyer, J Bierbrodt, J Schröder, T Berger, CG Beevers, M Weiss, ...
Internet Interventions 2 (1), 48-59, 2015
Patterns of early change and their relationship to outcome and follow-up among patients with major depressive disorders
W Lutz, N Stulz, K Köck
Journal of affective disorders 118 (1-3), 60-68, 2009
Patient profiling: an application of random coefficient regression models to depicting the response of a patient to outpatient psychotherapy.
W Lutz, Z Martinovich, KI Howard
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 67 (4), 571, 1999
Shapes of early change in psychotherapy under routine outpatient conditions.
N Stulz, W Lutz, C Leach, M Lucock, M Barkham
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 75 (6), 864, 2007
The reciprocal relationship between alliance and early treatment symptoms: A two-stage individual participant data meta-analysis.
C Flückiger, J Rubel, AC Del Re, AO Horvath, BE Wampold, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 88 (9), 829, 2020
Towards integrating personalized feedback research into clinical practice: Development of the Trier Treatment Navigator (TTN)
W Lutz, JA Rubel, B Schwartz, V Schilling, AK Deisenhofer
Behaviour research and therapy 120, 103438, 2019
Therapist effects, effective therapists, and the law of variability.
M Barkham, W Lutz, MJ Lambert, D Saxon
American Psychological Association, 2017
Effects of a psychological internet intervention in the treatment of mild to moderate depressive symptoms: results of the EVIDENT study, a randomized controlled trial
JP Klein, T Berger, J Schröder, C Späth, B Meyer, F Caspar, W Lutz, ...
Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 85 (4), 218-228, 2016
Psychopathological networks: Theory, methods and practice
LF Bringmann, C Albers, C Bockting, D Borsboom, E Ceulemans, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 149, 104011, 2022
Feedback-informed treatment versus usual psychological treatment for depression and anxiety: a multisite, open-label, cluster randomised controlled trial
J Delgadillo, K de Jong, M Lucock, W Lutz, J Rubel, S Gilbody, S Ali, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 5 (7), 564-572, 2018
Patient-focused and feedback research in psychotherapy: Where are we and where do we want to go?
W Lutz, K De Jong, J Rubel
Psychotherapy Research 25 (6), 625-632, 2015
Dose–effect relationship in routine outpatient psychotherapy: Does treatment duration matter?
N Stulz, W Lutz, SM Kopta, T Minami, SM Saunders
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (4), 593, 2013
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