Felix Montag
Felix Montag
Assistant Professor, New York University Stern School of Business
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Imperfect price information, market power, and tax pass-through
F Montag, R Mamrak, A Sagimuldina, M Schnitzer
George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy & the State Working Paper, 2023
When does mandatory price disclosure lower prices? Evidence from the German fuel market
F Montag, A Sagimuldina, C Winter
Mergers, foreign competition, and jobs: Evidence from the US appliance industry
F Montag
George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy & the State Working Paper, 2023
VAT reduction as unconventional fiscal policy in Germany: fast but heterogeneous pass-through in the fuel market
F Montag, A Sagimuldina, M Schnitzer
Retrieved 21, 2021, 2020
Preserving contestability in the data economy
M Schnitzer, F Montag
CLPD 5, 55, 2019
Determinants and effects of competition
F Montag
lmu, 2022
Price and sales effects of standard VAT rate changes: Evidence and implications for unconventional fiscal policy
F Montag, A Sagimuldina, M Schnitzer, F D'Acunto, D Hoang, M Weber, ...
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