Birgit Renzl
Birgit Renzl
Professor of Management and Organization, University of Stuttgart, Germany
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The asymmetric relationship between attribute-level performance and overall customer satisfaction: a reconsideration of the importance–performance analysis
K Matzler, F Bailom, HH Hinterhuber, B Renzl, J Pichler
Industrial marketing management 33 (4), 271-277, 2004
Trust in management and knowledge sharing: The mediating effects of fear and knowledge documentation
B Renzl
Omega 36 (2), 206-220, 2008
Who trusts? Personality, trust and knowledge sharing
T Mooradian, B Renzl, K Matzler
Management learning 37 (4), 523-540, 2006
Personality traits and knowledge sharing
K Matzler, B Renzl, J Müller, S Herting, TA Mooradian
Journal of economic psychology 29 (3), 301-313, 2008
The relationship between interpersonal trust, employee satisfaction, and employee loyalty
K Matzler, B Renzl
Total quality management and business excellence 17 (10), 1261-1271, 2006
Personality traits, affective commitment, documentation of knowledge, and knowledge sharing
K Matzler, B Renzl, T Mooradian, G von Krogh, J Mueller
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (02), 296-310, 2011
Dimensions of price satisfaction: a study in the retail banking industry
K Matzler, A Würtele, B Renzl
International Journal of Bank Marketing 24 (4), 216-231, 2006
Assessing asymmetric effects in the formation of employee satisfaction
K Matzler, B Renzl
Tourism Management 28 (4), 1093-1103, 2007
Measuring the relative importance of service dimensions in the formation of price satisfaction and service satisfaction: A case study in the hotel industry
K Matzler, B Renzl, S Rothenberger
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 6 (3), 179-196, 2006
Personality traits, employee satisfaction and affective commitment
K Matzler, B Renzl
Total Quality Management 18 (5), 589-598, 2007
The relationship between personality traits (extraversion and neuroticism), emotions and customer self-satisfaction
K Matzler, R Faullant, B Renzl, V Leiter
Innovative Marketing 1 (2), 32-39, 2005
Customer satisfaction with Alpine ski areas: The moderating effects of personal, situational, and product factors
K Matzler, J Füller, B Renzl, S Herting, S Späth
Journal of Travel Research 46 (4), 403-413, 2008
Dimensions of price satisfaction: a replication and extension
K Matzler, B Renzl, R Faullant
International Journal of Bank Marketing 25 (6), 394-405, 2007
Ambidextrous leadership: A meta-review applying static and dynamic multi-level perspectives
J Mueller, B Renzl, MG Will
Review of Managerial Science 14, 37-59, 2020
Entrepreneurial initiatives as a microfoundation of dynamic capabilities
CA Mahringer, B Renzl
Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 14 (1), 61-79, 2018
Methods and concepts in management: significance, satisfaction and suggestions for further research—perspectives from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
K Matzler, M Rier, HH Hinterhuber, B Renzl, C Stadler
Strategic Change 14 (1), 1-13, 2005
Communal resources in open source software development.
S Spaeth, S Haefliger, G Von Krogh, B Renzl
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 13 (1), 2008
Wissensbasierte Interaktion–Selbst-evolvierende Wissensströme in Unternehmen
B Renzl
German Journal of Human Resource Management 17 (4), 440-443, 2003
Language as a vehicle of knowing: the role of language and meaning in constructing knowledge
B Renzl
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 5 (1), 44-53, 2007
Werte schaffen—Perspektiven einer stakeholderorientierten Unternehmensführung
K Matzler, H Pechlaner, B Renzl
Werte schaffen: Perspektiven einer stakeholderorientierten …, 2003
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