Shasta Marrero
Shasta Marrero
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Geological calibration of spallation production rates in the CRONUS-Earth project
B Borchers, S Marrero, G Balco, M Caffee, B Goehring, N Lifton, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 188-198, 2016
Cosmogenic nuclide systematics and the CRONUScalc program
SM Marrero, FM Phillips, B Borchers, N Lifton, R Aumer, G Balco
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 160-187, 2016
The CRONUS-Earth project: a synthesis
FM Phillips, DC Argento, G Balco, MW Caffee, J Clem, TJ Dunai, R Finkel, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 119-154, 2016
CRONUS-Earth cosmogenic 36Cl calibration
SM Marrero, FM Phillips, MW Caffee, JC Gosse
Quaternary Geochronology 31, 199-219, 2016
In situ cosmogenic nuclide production rate calibration for the CRONUS-Earth project from Lake Bonneville, Utah, shoreline features
N Lifton, M Caffee, R Finkel, S Marrero, K Nishiizumi, FM Phillips, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 26, 56-69, 2015
Sedimentological characterization of Antarctic moraines using UAVs and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry
MJ Westoby, SA Dunning, J Woodward, AS Hein, SM Marrero, K Winter, ...
Journal of Glaciology 61 (230), 1088-1102, 2015
Active tectonics of the eastern California shear zone
KL Frankel, AF Glazner, E Kirby, FC Monastero, MD Strane, ME Oskin, ...
The CAIRN method: automated, reproducible calculation of catchment-averaged denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations
SM Mudd, MA Harel, MD Hurst, SWD Grieve, SM Marrero
Earth Surface Dynamics 4 (3), 655-674, 2016
Interannual surface evolution of an Antarctic blue-ice moraine using multi-temporal DEMs
MJ Westoby, SA Dunning, J Woodward, AS Hein, SM Marrero, K Winter, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 4 (2), 515-529, 2016
Evidence for the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet divide for 1.4 million years
AS Hein, J Woodward, SM Marrero, SA Dunning, EJ Steig, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10325, 2016
Late Pleistocene slip rate along the Owens Valley fault, eastern California
E Kirby, S Anandakrishnan, F Phillips, S Marrero
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (1), 2008
Mid-Holocene pulse of thinning in the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic ice sheet
AS Hein, SM Marrero, J Woodward, SA Dunning, K Winter, MJ Westoby, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12511, 2016
The million-year evolution of the glacial trimline in the southernmost Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica
DE Sugden, AS Hein, J Woodward, SM Marrero, Á Rodés, SA Dunning, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 469, 42-52, 2017
Controls on subaerial erosion rates in Antarctica
SM Marrero, AS Hein, M Naylor, M Attal, R Shanks, K Winter, J Woodward, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 501, 56-66, 2018
Assessing the continuity of the blue ice climate record at Patriot Hills, Horseshoe Valley, West Antarctica
K Winter, J Woodward, SA Dunning, CSM Turney, CJ Fogwill, AS Hein, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (5), 2019-2026, 2016
Calibration of cosmogenic chlorine-36
S Marrero
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2012
A new Holocene eruptive history of Erebus volcano, Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He and 36Cl exposure ages
DEF Parmelee, PR Kyle, MD Kurz, SM Marrero, FM Phillips
Quaternary Geochronology 30, 114-131, 2015
Evaluating the size and extent of paleolakes in central Tibet during the late Pleistocene
X Shi, KP Furlong, E Kirby, K Meng, S Marrero, J Gosse, E Wang, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (11), 5476-5485, 2017
CRONUS-Earth cosmogenic 36Cl calibration, Quat. Geochronol., 31, 199–219
SM Marrero, FM Phillips, MW Caffee, JC Gosse
Radar‐detected englacial debris in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
K Winter, J Woodward, N Ross, SA Dunning, AS Hein, MJ Westoby, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (17-18), 10454-10462, 2019
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