Robert Lindenberg
Robert Lindenberg
Dept. of Neurology, Charité University Medicine
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Bihemispheric brain stimulation facilitates motor recovery in chronic stroke patients
R Lindenberg, V Renga, LL Zhu, D Nair, G Schlaug
Neurology 75 (24), 2176-2184, 2010
Structural integrity of corticospinal motor fibers predicts motor impairment in chronic stroke
R Lindenberg, V Renga, LL Zhu, F Betzler, D Alsop, G Schlaug
Neurology 74 (4), 280-287, 2010
Lesion load of the corticospinal tract predicts motor impairment in chronic stroke
LL Zhu, R Lindenberg, MP Alexander, G Schlaug
Stroke 41 (5), 910-915, 2010
Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation temporarily reverses age-associated cognitive decline and functional brain activity changes
M Meinzer, R Lindenberg, D Antonenko, T Flaisch, A Flöel
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (30), 12470-12478, 2013
Electrical brain stimulation improves cognitive performance by modulating functional connectivity and task-specific activation
M Meinzer, D Antonenko, R Lindenberg, S Hetzer, L Ulm, K Avirame, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (5), 1859-1866, 2012
Predicting functional motor potential in chronic stroke patients using diffusion tensor imaging
R Lindenberg, LL Zhu, T Rüber, G Schlaug
Human brain mapping 33 (5), 1040-1051, 2012
Electrical stimulation of the motor cortex enhances treatment outcome in post-stroke aphasia
M Meinzer, R Darkow, R Lindenberg, A Flöel
Brain 139 (4), 1152-1163, 2016
Transcranial direct current stimulation in mild cognitive impairment: behavioral effects and neural mechanisms
M Meinzer, R Lindenberg, MT Phan, L Ulm, C Volk, A Flöel
Alzheimer's & Dementia 11 (9), 1032-1040, 2015
Optimizing recovery potential through simultaneous occupational therapy and non-invasive brain-stimulation using tDCS
DG Nair, V Renga, R Lindenberg, L Zhu, G Schlaug
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 29 (6), 411-420, 2011
Transcranial direct current stimulation over multiple days improves learning and maintenance of a novel vocabulary
M Meinzer, S Jähnigen, DA Copland, R Darkow, U Grittner, K Avirame, ...
Cortex 50, 137-147, 2014
Differential effects of dual and unihemispheric motor cortex stimulation in older adults
R Lindenberg, L Nachtigall, M Meinzer, MM Sieg, A Flöel
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (21), 9176-9183, 2013
Compensatory role of the cortico-rubro-spinal tract in motor recovery after stroke
T Rüber, G Schlaug, R Lindenberg
Neurology, 515-522, 2012
Transcranial direct current stimulation of the primary motor cortex improves word-retrieval in older adults
M Meinzer, R Lindenberg, MM Sieg, L Nachtigall, L Ulm, A Flöel
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 6, 253, 2014
Combined central and peripheral stimulation to facilitate motor recovery after stroke: the effect of number of sessions on outcome
R Lindenberg, LL Zhu, G Schlaug
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 26 (5), 479-483, 2012
Differential adaptation of descending motor tracts in musicians
T Rüber, R Lindenberg, G Schlaug
Cerebral cortex 25 (6), 1490-1498, 2015
Transcranial direct current stimulation and simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging
M Meinzer, R Lindenberg, R Darkow, L Ulm, D Copland, A Flöel
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 51730, 2014
Relationship between excitability, plasticity and thickness of the motor cortex in older adults
J List, JC Kübke, R Lindenberg, N Külzow, L Kerti, V Witte, A Flöel
Neuroimage 83, 809-816, 2013
Supramodal language comprehension: role of the left temporal lobe for listening and reading
R Lindenberg, L Scheef
Neuropsychologia 45 (10), 2407-2415, 2007
Cognitive function and brain structure after recurrent mild traumatic brain injuries in young-to-middle-aged adults
J List, S Ott, M Bukowski, R Lindenberg, A Flöel
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 228, 2015
“Broca’s area” as a collective term?
R Lindenberg, H Fangerau, RJ Seitz
Brain and language 102 (1), 22-29, 2007
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