Nicolas Jourdan
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Cityscapes 3d: Dataset and benchmark for 9 dof vehicle detection
N Gählert, N Jourdan, M Cordts, U Franke, J Denzler
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) - Workshop …, 2020
Single-shot 3d detection of vehicles from monocular rgb images via geometry constrained keypoints in real-time
N Gählert, JJ Wan, N Jourdan, J Finkbeiner, U Franke, J Denzler
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2020
Virtual sensors for erroneous data repair in manufacturing a machine learning pipeline
S Sen, EJ Husom, A Goknil, D Politaki, S Tverdal, P Nguyen, N Jourdan
Computers in Industry 149, 103917, 2023
Identification of Uncertainty in Artificial Neural Networks
N Jourdan, E Rehder, U Franke
13. Uni-DAS e.V. Workshop Fahrerassistenz und automatisiertes Fahren, 2020
On The Reliability Of Machine Learning Applications In Manufacturing Environments
N Jourdan, S Sen, EJ Husom, E Garcia-Ceja, T Biegel, J Metternich
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021): Workshop on …, 2021
Deep learning for multivariate statistical in-process control in discrete manufacturing: A case study in a sheet metal forming process
T Biegel, N Jourdan, C Hernandez, A Cviko, J Metternich
Procedia CIRP 107, 422-427, 2022
A computer vision system for saw blade condition monitoring
N Jourdan, T Biegel, V Knauthe, M von Buelow, S Guthe, J Metternich
Procedia CIRP 104, 1107-1112, 2021
Künstliche Intelligenz zur Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 im Mittelstand: Expertise des Forschungsbeirats der Plattform Industrie 4.0
J Metternich, T Biegel, BB Cassoli, F Hoffmann, N Jourdan, J Rosemeyer, ...
acatech-Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, 2021
Software engineering and AI for data quality in cyber-physical systems-sea4dq'21 workshop report
PH Nguyen, S Sen, N Jourdan, B Cassoli, P Myrseth, M Armendia, ...
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 47 (1), 26-29, 2022
Knowledge Graphs for Data And Knowledge Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
B Bretones Cassoli, N Jourdan, J Metternich
Proceedings of the Conference on Production Systems and Logistics: CPSL 2022 …, 2022
Combining process monitoring with text mining for anomaly detection in discrete manufacturing
T Biegel, N Jourdan, T Madreiter, L Kohl, S Fahle, F Ansari, ...
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF 2022), 2022
Identifying Out-of-Distribution Samples in Real-Time for Safety-Critical 2D Object Detection with Margin Entropy Loss
Y Blei, N Jourdan, N Gählert
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2022: Workshop on Uncertainty …, 2022
Toward the Sustainable Development of Machine Learning Applications in Industry 4.0
S Ellenrieder, N Jourdan, T Biegel, BB Cassoli, J Metternich, P Buxmann
Künstliche Intelligenz zur Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 im Mittelstand: Leitfaden zur Expertise des Forschungsbeirats der Plattform Industrie 4.0
J Metternich, T Biegel, BB Cassoli, F Hoffmann, N Jourdan, J Rosemeyer, ...
acatech-Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, 2021
SSMSPC: self-supervised multivariate statistical in-process control in discrete manufacturing processes
T Biegel, P Helm, N Jourdan, J Metternich
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 35 (6), 2671-2698, 2024
Handling concept drift in deep learning applications for process monitoring
N Jourdan, T Bayer, T Biegel, J Metternich
Procedia CIRP 120, 33-38, 2023
Multi-source data modelling and graph neural networks for predictive quality
BB Cassoli, N Jourdan, J Metternich
Procedia CIRP 120, 39-44, 2023
Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things-SEA4DQ'22 Report
PH Nguyen, S Sen, BB Cassoli, N Jourdan, MC Magnanini
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023
Conformal Prediction in Multi-User Settings: An Evaluation
E Garcia-Ceja, L Garcia-Banuelos, N Jourdan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05195, 2023
A Nearest Neighbor-Based Concept Drift Detection Strategy for Reliable Tool Condition Monitoring
N Jourdan, J Metternich
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering and AI …, 2023
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