Sebastian Haunss
Sebastian Haunss
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Protest for a future: Composition, mobilization and motives of the participants in Fridays For Future climate protests on 15 March, 2019 in 13 European cities
M Wahlström, M Sommer, P Kocyba, M De Vydt, J De Moor, S Davies, ...
Kennislink, 1-121, 2019
Political discourse networks and the conflict over software patents in Europe
P Leifeld, S Haunss
European Journal of Political Research 51 (3), 382-409, 2012
Fridays for future: profil, Entstehung und Perspektiven der Protestbewegung in Deutschland
M Sommer, D Rucht, S Haunss, S Zajak
Identität in Bewegung
S Haunss
Prozesse kollektiver Identität bei den Autonomen und in der Schwulenbewegung …, 2004
Scenes and social movements
DK Leach, S Haunss
Culture, social movements, and protest, 265-286, 2016
Competing coalitions: The politics of renewable energy and fossil fuels in Mexico, South Africa and Thailand
B Rennkamp, S Haunss, K Wongsa, A Ortega, E Casamadrid
Energy Research & Social Science 34, 214-223, 2017
Fridays for future-die Jugend gegen den Klimawandel: Konturen der weltweiten Protestbewegung
M Sommer, S Haunss
transcript Verlag, 2020
Conflicts in the knowledge society: the contentious politics of intellectual property
S Haunss
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Challenging legitimacy: Repertoires of contention, political claims-making, and collective action frames
S Haunss
Legitimacy in an age of global politics, 156-172, 2007
Promise and practice in studies of social media and movements
S Haunss
Critical perspectives on social media and protest: Between control and …, 2015
Politics of intellectual property: contestation over the ownership, use, and control of knowledge and information
S Haunss, KC Shadlen
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009
Social movement scenes: Infrastructures of opposition in civil society
S Haunss, DK Leach
Civil societies and social movements, 71-87, 2007
Conflicts about intellectual property claims: the role and function of collective action networks
S Haunss, L Kohlmorgen
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (2), 242-262, 2010
Wer demonstriert da? Ergebnisse von Befragungen bei Großprotesten von Fridays for Future in Deutschland im März und November 2019
M Sommer, S Haunss, BG Gardner, M Neuber, D Rucht
Fridays for Future–Die Jugend gegen den Klimawandel: Konturen der weltweiten …, 2020
Entstehung von Politikfeldern–Bedingungen einer Anomalie
S Haunss, J Hofmann
dms–der moderne staat–Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management 8 …, 2015
Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie: Diskursnetzwerkanalyse als Beitrag zur Erklärung einer radikalen Politikwende
S Haunss, M Dietz, F Nullmeier
Lobbying or politics? Political claims making in IP conflicts
S Haunss, L Kohlmorgen
Politics of Intellectual Property, 2009
Antiimperialismus und Autonomie-Linksradikalismus seit der Studentenbewegung
S Haunss
A comparison between political claims analysis and discourse network analysis: The case of software patents in the european union
P Leifeld, S Haunss
MPI Collective Goods Preprint, 2010
Taking to the streets in Germany–Disenchanted and confident critics in mass demonstrations
P Daphi, S Haunss, M Sommer, S Teune
German politics 32 (3), 440-468, 2023
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