Sebastian Monka
Sebastian Monka
Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence , Robert Bosch GmbH & Trier University
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Real-time on-board obstacle avoidance for UAVs based on embedded stereo vision
B Ruf, S Monka, M Kollmann, M Grinberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.06271, 2018
A survey on visual transfer learning using knowledge graphs
S Monka, L Halilaj, A Rettinger
Semantic Web 13 (3), 477-510, 2022
Knowledge graphs for automated driving
L Halilaj, J Luettin, C Henson, S Monka
2022 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2022
Learning visual models using a knowledge graph as a trainer
S Monka, L Halilaj, S Schmid, A Rettinger
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2021: 20th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2021
A survey on knowledge graph-based methods for automated driving
J Luettin, S Monka, C Henson, L Halilaj
Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference, 16-31, 2022
Knowledge Graph-Based Integration of Autonomous Driving Datasets
L Halilaj, J Luettin, S Monka, C Henson, S Schmid
International Journal of Semantic Computing 17 (02), 249-271, 2023
nuScenes Knowledge Graph-A comprehensive semantic representation of traffic scenes for trajectory prediction
L Mlodzian, Z Sun, H Berkemeyer, S Monka, Z Wang, S Dietze, L Halilaj, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 42-52, 2023
Context-driven visual object recognition based on knowledge graphs
S Monka, L Halilaj, A Rettinger
International Semantic Web Conference, 142-160, 2022
ConTraKG: Contrastive-based Transfer Learning for Visual Object Recognition using Knowledge Graph
S Monka, L Halilaj, S Schmid, A Rettinger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.08747, 2021
Training a neural network by means of knowledge graphs
L Halilaj, S Monka
US Patent App. 18/363,512, 2024
Visual Transfer Learning using Knowledge Graphs
S Monka
Device and method for training a classifier
S Monka, L Halilaj, S Schmid
US Patent App. 17/457,130, 2022
Tutorial: Knowledge-infused Learning for Autonomous Driving (KL4AD)
R Wickramarachchi, C Henson, S Monka, D Stepanova, A Sheth
Embedded Stereokamera-basierte reaktive Kollisionsvermeidung fur UAVs
M Grinberg, B Ruf, S Monka, M Kollmann, A Buller, I Tchouchenkov
Forum Bildverarbeitung 2018 86 (7-8), 277, 2018
Embedded Stereokamera-basierte reaktive Kollisionsvermeidung für UAVs Embedded stereo vision based reactive collision avoidance for UAVs
M Grinberg, B Ruf, S Monka, M Kollman, A Buller, I Tchouchenkov
Forum Bildverarbeitung 2018. Hrsg.: T. Längle, PL Fernando, M. Heizmann, 277, 2018
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