Knut Drewing
Knut Drewing
Psychology, Giessen University
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Feeling what you hear: auditory signals can modulate tactile tap perception
JP Bresciani, MO Ernst, K Drewing, G Bouyer, V Maury, A Kheddar
Experimental brain research 162, 172-180, 2005
Integration of force and position cues for shape perception through active touch
K Drewing, MO Ernst
Brain research 1078 (1), 92-100, 2006
Exploratory strategies in haptic softness discrimination are tuned to achieve high levels of task performance
L Kaim, K Drewing
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 4 (4), 242-252, 2011
First evaluation of a novel tactile display exerting shear force via lateral displacement
K Drewing, M Fritschi, R Zopf, MO Ernst, M Buss
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 2 (2), 118-131, 2005
Sensorimotor synchronization across the life span
K Drewing, G Aschersleben, SC Li
International Journal of Behavioral Development 30 (3), 280-287, 2006
Visual and haptic integration in the estimation of softness of deformable objects
C Cellini, L Kaim, K Drewing
i-Perception 4 (8), 516-531, 2013
Timing of bimanual movements and deafferentation: Implications for the role of sensory movement effects
K Drewing, P Stenneken, J Cole, W Prinz, G Aschersleben
Experimental Brain Research 158, 50-57, 2004
Reduced timing variability during bimanual coupling: a role for sensory information
K Drewing, G Aschersleben
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 56 (2), 329-350, 2003
Optimal integration of visual and proprioceptive movement information for the perception of trajectory geometry
J Reuschel, K Drewing, DYP Henriques, F Rösler, K Fiehler
Experimental brain research 201, 853-862, 2010
Haptic, visual and visuo-haptic softness judgments for objects with deformable surfaces
K Drewing, A Ramisch, F Bayer
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
The contribution of tactile reafference to temporal regularity during bimanual finger tapping
K Drewing, M Hennings, G Aschersleben
Psychological Research 66 (1), 60-70, 2002
The many dimensions underlying perceived softness: How exploratory procedures are influenced by material and the perceptual task*
M Cavdan, K Doerschner, K Drewing
2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 437-442, 2019
Integration of prior knowledge during haptic exploration depends on information type
AC Zoeller, A Lezkan, VC Paulun, RW Fleming, K Drewing
Journal of Vision 19 (4), 20-20, 2019
Active haptic exploration of softness: Indentation force is systematically related to prediction, sensation and motivation
A Lezkan, A Metzger, K Drewing
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 12, 59, 2018
Task and material properties interactively affect softness explorations along different dimensions
M Cavdan, K Doerschner, K Drewing
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 14 (3), 603-614, 2021
Human haptic perception and the design of haptic-enhanced virtual environments
JP Bresciani, K Drewing, MO Ernst
The Sense of Touch and Its Rendering: Progress in Haptics Research, 61-106, 2008
Integration of serial sensory information in haptic perception of softness.
A Metzger, A Lezkan, K Drewing
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (4), 551, 2018
A mass-density model can account for the size-weight illusion
C Wolf, WM Bergmann Tiest, K Drewing
PloS one 13 (2), e0190624, 2018
Combination of noisy directional visual and proprioceptive information
S Serwe, K Drewing, J Trommershäuser
Journal of Vision 9 (5), 28-28, 2009
Tactile suppression stems from specific sensorimotor predictions
E Fuehrer, D Voudouris, A Lezkan, K Drewing, K Fiehler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (20), e2118445119, 2022
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