Georgios Kaissis
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The liver tumor segmentation benchmark (LITS)
P Bilic, PF Christ, E Vorontsov, G Chlebus, H Chen, Q Dou, CW Fu, X Han, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.04056, 2019
Secure, privacy-preserving and federated machine learning in medical imaging
GA Kaissis, MR Makowski, D Rückert, RF Braren
Nature Machine Intelligence 2 (6), 305-311, 2020
Automatic liver and tumor segmentation of CT and MRI volumes using cascaded fully convolutional neural networks
PF Christ, F Ettlinger, F Grün, MEA Elshaera, J Lipkova, S Schlecht, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05970, 2017
End-to-end privacy preserving deep learning on multi-institutional medical imaging
G Kaissis, A Ziller, J Passerat-Palmbach, T Ryffel, D Usynin, A Trask, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (6), 473-484, 2021
Federated deep learning for detecting COVID-19 lung abnormalities in CT: a privacy-preserving multinational validation study
Q Dou, TY So, M Jiang, Q Liu, V Vardhanabhuti, G Kaissis, Z Li, W Si, ...
NPJ digital medicine 4 (1), 60, 2021
Pysyft: A library for easy federated learning
A Ziller, A Trask, A Lopardo, B Szymkow, B Wagner, E Bluemke, ...
Federated Learning Systems: Towards Next-Generation AI, 111-139, 2021
Medical imaging deep learning with differential privacy
A Ziller, D Usynin, R Braren, M Makowski, D Rueckert, G Kaissis
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13524, 2021
Intensive care risk estimation in COVID-19 pneumonia based on clinical and imaging parameters: experiences from the Munich cohort
E Burian, F Jungmann, GA Kaissis, FK Lohöfer, CD Spinner, T Lahmer, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 9 (5), 1514, 2020
Interactive and explainable region-guided radiology report generation
T Tanida, P Müller, G Kaissis, D Rueckert
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
A machine learning algorithm predicts molecular subtypes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with differential response to gemcitabine-based versus FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy
G Kaissis, S Ziegelmayer, F Lohöfer, K Steiger, H Algül, A Muckenhuber, ...
PloS one 14 (10), e0218642, 2019
A machine learning model for the prediction of survival and tumor subtype in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma from preoperative diffusion-weighted imaging
G Kaissis, S Ziegelmayer, F Lohöfer, H Algül, M Eiber, W Weichert, ...
European radiology experimental 3, 1-9, 2019
Joint learning of localized representations from medical images and reports
P Müller, G Kaissis, C Zou, D Rueckert
European Conference on Computer Vision, 685-701, 2022
Ratchet: Medical transformer for chest x-ray diagnosis and reporting
B Hou, G Kaissis, RM Summers, B Kainz
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2021: 24th …, 2021
Joint imaging platform for federated clinical data analytics
J Scherer, M Nolden, J Kleesiek, J Metzger, K Kades, V Schneider, ...
JCO clinical cancer informatics 4, 1027-1038, 2020
A distinct stimulatory cDC1 subpopulation amplifies CD8+ T cell responses in tumors for protective anti-cancer immunity
P Meiser, MA Knolle, A Hirschberger, GP de Almeida, F Bayerl, S Lacher, ...
Cancer Cell 41 (8), 1498-1515. e10, 2023
Relationformer: A Unified Framework for Image-to-Graph Generation
S Shit, R Koner, B Wittmann, J Paetzold, I Ezhov, H Li, J Pan, ...
European Conference on Computer Vision, 422-439, 2022
Image-based molecular phenotyping of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
GA Kaissis, S Ziegelmayer, FK Lohöfer, FN Harder, F Jungmann, D Sasse, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 9 (3), 724, 2020
Adversarial interference and its mitigations in privacy-preserving collaborative machine learning
D Usynin, A Ziller, M Makowski, R Braren, D Rueckert, B Glocker, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (9), 749-758, 2021
SurvivalNet: Predicting patient survival from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images using cascaded fully convolutional and 3D convolutional neural networks
PF Christ, F Ettlinger, G Kaissis, S Schlecht, F Ahmaddy, F Grün, ...
2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
Implementing cell-free DNA of pancreatic cancer patient–derived organoids for personalized oncology
Z Dantes, HY Yen, N Pfarr, C Winter, K Steiger, A Muckenhuber, A Hennig, ...
Jci Insight 5 (15), 2020
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