David Mendoza Tinoco
David Mendoza Tinoco
profesor de Economía, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
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Cited by
Assessment of the economic impacts of heat waves: A case study of Nanjing, China
Y Xia, Y Li, D Guan, DM Tinoco, J Xia, Z Yan, J Yang, Q Liu, H Huo
Journal of cleaner production 171, 811-819, 2018
Flood footprint of the 2007 floods in the UK: The case of the Yorkshire and The Humber Region
D Mendoza-Tinoco, D Guan, Z Zeng, Y Xia, A Serrano
Journal of cleaner production 168, 655-667, 2017
Flood Footprint Assessment: A New Approach for Flood-induced Indirect Economic Impact Measurement and Post-flood Recovery
Z Zeng, D Guan, A Steenge, Y Xia, DM Tinoco
Journal of Hydrology, 124204, 2019
Flood footprint assessment: a multiregional case of 2009 central European floods
D Mendoza‐Tinoco, Y Hu, Z Zeng, KJ Chalvatzis, N Zhang, AE Steenge, ...
Risk analysis 40 (8), 1612-1631, 2020
Assessing the economic impacts of IT service shutdown during the York flood of 2015 in the UK
Y Xia, D Guan, AE Steenge, E Dietzenbacher, J Meng, D Mendoza Tinoco
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2224), 20180871, 2019
The theoretical peculiarities of energy poverty research: a systematic literature review
Z Guevara, D Mendoza-Tinoco, D Silva
Energy Research & Social Science 105, 103274, 2023
Appraisal of total economic costs of natural disasters: Flood in the City of Sheffield, 2007
D Mendoza Tinoco, AV Méndez Delgado
Estudios demográficos y urbanos 33 (3), 699-732, 2018
Blue-Green Cities: Achieving Urban Flood Resilience, Water Security, and Biodiversity
V Krivtsov, S Ahilan, S Arthur, S Birkinshaw, D Dawson, G Everett, ...
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures, 86-93, 2023
Economic costs of hurricane Alex in Nuevo León, Mexico
DM Tinoco, AVM Delgado, AM García
La incidencia de la aglomeración urbana en la distribución espacial de emisiones contaminantes del aire
AV Méndez Delgado, R Lugo Alvarado, D Mendoza Tinoco
Estudios Económicos (México, DF) 38 (1), 69-101, 2023
Flood footprint modelling to evaluate the flood risk management benefits of blue–green infrastructure
D Mendoza-Tinoco, D Guan, R Fenner, C Thorne, E O’Donnell
Blue–Green Cities: Integrating urban flood risk management with green …, 2020
Teletrabajo: una estrategia de mitigación de GEI para el área metropolitana de la Ciudad de México
B Graizbord, A Mercado, JL González, D Mendoza, A Larralde, F Aguayo, ...
S. Giorguli y V. Ugalde (coords.), Gobierno, territorio y población: las …, 2014
Uso de suelo del sector primario desde la perspectiva del consumo en México (2018). Un enfoque multisectorial de insumo-producto
L Albornoz Mendoza, A Mercado García, D Mendoza Tinoco
El trimestre económico 90 (359), 703-730, 2023
Efectos del crecimiento económico en las emisiones de CO2 en América del Norte
D Mendoza Tinoco, L Albornoz Mendoza, A Mercado García
Nóesis. Revista de ciencias sociales 33 (65), 106-126, 2024
Economic growtft effects on CO2 emissions in Nortft
D Mendoza Tinoco, L Albornoz Mendoza, A Mercado García
Nóesis. Revista de ciencias sociales 33 (65), 106-126, 2024
Land use of the primary sector from the perspective of consumption in Mexico (2018). A multisectoral input-output approach
L Albornoz Mendoza, A Mercado García, D Mendoza Tinoco
El trimestre económico 90 (359), 703-730, 2023
The incidence of urban agglomeration in the spatial distribution of air pollutant emissions
AV Méndez Delgado, R Lugo Alvarado, D Mendoza Tinoco
Estudios Económicos (México, DF) 38 (1), 69-101, 2023
Multiregional Flood Footprint Analysis: An Appraisal of the Economic Impact of Flooding Events
D Mendoza-Tinoco, A Mercado-Garcia, D Guan
Springer Nature, 2023
Theoretical and Methodological Background
D Mendoza-Tinoco, A Mercado-Garcia, D Guan
Multiregional Flood Footprint Analysis: An Appraisal of the Economic Impact …, 2023
Case Applications
D Mendoza-Tinoco, A Mercado-Garcia, D Guan
Multiregional Flood Footprint Analysis: An Appraisal of the Economic Impact …, 2023
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Articles 1–20