Clive Belfield
Clive Belfield
Queens College, City University of New York
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The High/Scope Perry Preschool Program: Cost–benefit analysis using data from the age-40 followup
CR Belfield, M Nores, S Barnett, L Schweinhart
Journal of Human resources 41 (1), 162-190, 2006
The economic value of social and emotional learning
C Belfield, AB Bowden, A Klapp, H Levin, R Shand, S Zander
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 6 (3), 508-544, 2015
The price we pay: Economic and social consequences of inadequate education
CR Belfield, HM Levin
Brookings Institution Press, 2007
The effects of competition between schools on educational outcomes: A review for the United States
CR Belfield, HM Levin
Review of Educational research 72 (2), 279-341, 2002
Improving the targeting of treatment: Evidence from college remediation
J Scott-Clayton, PM Crosta, CR Belfield
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 36 (3), 371-393, 2014
Predicting Success in College: The Importance of Placement Tests and High School Transcripts. CCRC Working Paper No. 42.
CR Belfield, PM Crosta
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2012
The benefits of attending community college: A review of the evidence
CR Belfield, T Bailey
Community College Review 39 (1), 46-68, 2011
The costs and benefits of an excellent education for all of America’s children
HM Levin, C Belfield, PA Muennig, C Rouse
Overeducation among graduates: a cohort view
H Battu, CR Belfield, PJ Sloane
Education economics 7 (1), 21-38, 1999
Economic principles for education
CR Belfield
Books, 2000
How well can we measure graduate over-education and its effects?
H Battu, CR Belfield, PJ Sloane
National institute economic review 171, 82-93, 2000
Updating the economic impacts of the High/Scope Perry Preschool program
M Nores, CR Belfield, WS Barnett, L Schweinhart
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 27 (3), 245-261, 2005
Education privatization: Causes, consequences and planning implications
CR Belfield, HM Levin
Unesco, International Institute for Educational Planning, 2002
Early childhood development and social mobility
WS Barnett, CR Belfield
The future of children, 73-98, 2006
Economic evaluation in education: Cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analysis
HM Levin, PJ McEwan, C Belfield, AB Bowden, R Shand
SAGE publications, 2017
The Economic Value of Opportunity Youth.
CR Belfield, HM Levin, R Rosen
Corporation for national and community service, 2012
Cost effectiveness of continuing professional development in health care: a critical review of the evidence
CA Brown, CR Belfield, SJ Field
Bmj 324 (7338), 652-655, 2002
The Labor Market Returns to Sub-Baccalaureate College: A Review. A CAPSEE Working Paper.
C Belfield, T Bailey
Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment, 2017
Chapter 6: The marketplace in education
HM Levin, CR Belfield
Review of research in education 27 (1), 183-219, 2003
What determines alumni generosity? Evidence for the UK
CR Belfield, AP Beney
Education Economics 8 (1), 65-80, 2000
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