Dr. Muhidul Islam Khan
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on the roles of communication technologies in IoT-based personalized healthcare applications
MM Alam, H Malik, MI Khan, T Pardy, A Kuusik, Y Le Moullec
IEEE access 6, 36611-36631, 2018
A-sleach: An advanced solar aware leach protocol for energy efficient routing in wireless sensor networks
MJ Islam, MM Islam, MN Islam
Sixth International Conference on Networking (ICN'07), 4-4, 2007
Energy-aware task scheduling in wireless sensor networks based on cooperative reinforcement learning
MI Khan, B Rinner
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 871-877, 2014
Resource coordination in wireless sensor networks by cooperative reinforcement learning
MI Khan, B Rinner
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2012
Resource allocation in multi-access edge computing for 5G-and-beyond networks
A Sarah, G Nencioni, MMI Khan
Computer Networks 227, 109720, 2023
Throughput-aware cooperative reinforcement learning for adaptive resource allocation in device-to-device communication
MI Khan, MM Alam, YL Moullec, E Yaacoub
Future Internet 9 (4), 72, 2017
Reward function evaluation in a reinforcement learning approach for energy management
Y Rioual, Y Le Moullec, J Laurent, MI Khan, JP Diguet
2018 16th biennial baltic electronics conference (BEC), 1-4, 2018
Cooperative reinforcement learning for adaptive power allocation in device-to-device communication
MI Khan, MM Alam, Y Le Moullec, E Yaacoub
2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 476-481, 2018
Energy-aware task scheduling by a true online reinforcement learning in wireless sensor networks
MI Khan, K Xia, A Ali, N Aslam
International Journal of Sensor Networks 25 (4), 244-258, 2017
Reinforcement learning based autonomic virtual machine management in clouds
A Habib, MI Khan
2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2016
Optimal route selection in complex multi-stage supply chain networks using SARSA (λ)
A Habib, MI Khan, J Uddin
2016 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2016
Distributed ledger technology based integrated healthcare solution for Bangladesh
MA Islam, MA Islam, MAH Jacky, M Al-Amin, MSU Miah, MMI Khan, ...
IEEE Access 11, 51527-51556, 2023
Resource-aware task scheduling by an adversarial bandit solver method in wireless sensor networks
MI Khan
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2016, 1-17, 2016
Resource coordination in Wireless Sensor Networks by combinatorial auction based method
MI Khan, B Rinner, CS Regazzoni
2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Networked Embedded Systems for …, 2012
Resource Allocation in Networking and Computing Systems: A Security and Dependability Perspective
MMI Khan, G Nencioni
IEEE Access, 2023
Design and comparison of reward functions in reinforcement learning for energy management of sensor nodes
Y Rioual, YL Moullec, J Laurent, MI Khan, JP Diguet
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.01114, 2021
Effective self adaptive multiple source localization technique by primal dual interior point method in binary sensor networks
MI Khan, K Xia
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (5), 1119-1122, 2017
Performance analysis of resource-aware task scheduling methods in Wireless sensor networks
MI Khan, B Rinner
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 10 (9), 765182, 2014
Q-learning based joint energy-spectral efficiency optimization in multi-hop device-to-device communication
MI Khan, L Reggiani, MM Alam, Y Le Moullec, N Sharma, E Yaacoub, ...
Sensors 20 (22), 6692, 2020
A multi-armed bandit solver method for adaptive power allocation in device-to-device communication
MI Khan, MM Alam, Y Le Moullec
Procedia computer science 130, 1069-1076, 2018
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Articles 1–20