Marcus Weber
Marcus Weber
Working Group Leader "Computational Molecular Design", Zuse Institute Berlin
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Multivalency as a chemical organization and action principle
C Fasting, CA Schalley, M Weber, O Seitz, S Hecht, B Koksch, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (42), 10472-10498, 2012
Multivalency as a chemical organization and action principle
C Fasting, CA Schalley, M Weber, O Seitz, S Hecht, B Koksch, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (42), 10472-10498, 2012
Robust Perron cluster analysis in conformation dynamics
P Deuflhard, M Weber
Linear algebra and its applications 398, 161-184, 2005
Fuzzy spectral clustering by PCCA+: application to Markov state models and data classification
S Röblitz, M Weber
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 7, 147-179, 2013
A nontoxic pain killer designed by modeling of pathological receptor conformations
V Spahn, G Del Vecchio, D Labuz, A Rodriguez-Gaztelumendi, N Massaly, ...
Science 355 (6328), 966-969, 2017
A coarse graining method for the identification of transition rates between molecular conformations
S Kube, M Weber
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (2), 2007
Multivalenz als chemisches Organisations‐und Wirkprinzip
C Fasting, CA Schalley, M Weber, O Seitz, S Hecht, B Koksch, ...
Angewandte Chemie 124 (42), 10622-10650, 2012
DNA-programmed spatial screening of carbohydrate–lectin interactions
C Scheibe, A Bujotzek, J Dernedde, M Weber, O Seitz
Chemical science 2 (4), 770-775, 2011
Meshless methods in confirmation dynamics
M Weber
Applications of the cross-entropy method to importance sampling and optimal control of diffusions
W Zhang, H Wang, C Hartmann, M Weber, C Schütte
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (6), A2654-A2672, 2014
DNA‐Controlled Bivalent Presentation of Ligands for the Estrogen Receptor
F Abendroth, A Bujotzek, M Shan, R Haag, M Weber, O Seitz
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (37), 8592-8596, 2011
DNA‐Controlled Bivalent Presentation of Ligands for the Estrogen Receptor
F Abendroth, A Bujotzek, M Shan, R Haag, M Weber, O Seitz
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (37), 8592-8596, 2011
What you extract is what you see: optimising the preparation of water and wastewater samples for in vitro bioassays
A Abbas, I Schneider, A Bollmann, J Funke, J Oehlmann, C Prasse, ...
Water Research 152, 47-60, 2019
Quantifying the rebinding effect in multivalent chemical ligand-receptor systems
M Weber, A Bujotzek, R Haag
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (5), 2012
Opioid receptor signaling, analgesic and side effects induced by a computationally designed pH-dependent agonist
V Spahn, G Del Vecchio, A Rodriguez-Gaztelumendi, J Temp, D Labuz, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8965, 2018
Improved Perron cluster analysis
M Weber
A square root approximation of transition rates for a markov state model
HC Lie, K Fackeldey, M Weber
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (2), 738-756, 2013
Generalized Markov state modeling method for nonequilibrium biomolecular dynamics: exemplified on amyloid β conformational dynamics driven by an oscillating electric field
B Reuter, M Weber, K Fackeldey, S Röblitz, ME Garcia
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 14 (7), 3579-3594, 2018
Robust perron cluster analysis for various applications in computational life science
M Weber, S Kube
International Symposium on Computational Life Science, 57-66, 2005
An AKAP-Lbc-RhoA interaction inhibitor promotes the translocation of aquaporin-2 to the plasma membrane of renal collecting duct principal cells
JMEN K. Schrade, J. Tröger, A. Eldahshan, K. Zühlke, K. R. Abdul Azeez, ...
PLOS ONE 13 (1), e0191423, 2018
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