Sven Matern
Sven Matern
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Feeding and niche differentiation in three invasive gobies in the Lower Rhine, Germany
J Borcherding, M Dolina, L Heermann, P Knutzen, S Krüger, S Matern, ...
Limnologica 43 (1), 49-58, 2013
Ecosystem-based management outperforms species-focused stocking for enhancing fish populations
J Radinger, S Matern, T Klefoth, C Wolter, F Feldhege, CT Monk, ...
Science 379 (6635), 946-951, 2023
Effect of recreational‐fisheries management on fish biodiversity in gravel pit lakes, with contrasts to unmanaged lakes
S Matern, M Emmrich, T Klefoth, C Wolter, R Nikolaus, N Wegener, ...
Journal of fish biology 94 (6), 865-881, 2019
Trophic ecology of invasive marbled and spiny-cheek crayfish populations
SM Linzmaier, C Musseau, S Matern, JM Jeschke
Biological Invasions 22 (11), 3339-3356, 2020
Influence of protected riparian areas on habitat structure and biodiversity in and at small lakes managed by recreational fisheries
R Nikolaus, S Matern, M Schafft, A Maday, C Wolter, T Klefoth, ...
Fisheries Research 256, 106476, 2022
Environmental determinants of perch (Perca fluviatilis) growth in gravel pit lakes and the relative performance of simple versus complex ecological predictors
L Höhne, M Palmer, CT Monk, S Matern, R Nikolaus, A Trudeau, ...
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 29 (4), 557-573, 2020
Fish community composition in small lakes: The impact of lake genesis and fisheries management
S Matern, T Klefoth, C Wolter, A Hussner, J Simon, R Arlinghaus
Freshwater Biology 67 (12), 2130-2147, 2022
Environmental determinants of fish abundance in the littoral zone of gravel pit lakes
S Matern, T Klefoth, C Wolter, R Arlinghaus
Hydrobiologia 848 (10), 2449-2471, 2021
Differences in diet compositions and feeding strategies of invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus and native black goby Gobius niger in the Western Baltic Sea.
S Matern, JP Herrmann, A Temming
Aquatic Invasions 16 (2), 2021
Seasonal and diurnal patterns of littoral microhabitat use by fish in gravel pit lakes, with special reference to supplemented deadwood brush piles
A Maday, S Matern, CT Monk, T Klefoth, C Wolter, R Arlinghaus
Hydrobiologia 850 (7), 1557-1581, 2023
Einfluss anglerischer Bewirtschaftung auf die Biodiversität von Baggerseen: Eine vergleichende Studie verschiedener gewässergebundener Organismengruppen
R Nikolaus, S Matern, M Schafft, T Klefoth, A Maday, C Wolter, A Manfrin, ...
Lauterbornia 87, 153-181, 2020
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft: wissensbasierte Empfehlungen für ein nachhaltiges Fischereimanagement an Baggerseen
R Arlinghaus, T Klefoth, S Matern, J Radinger
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei, 2023
Impact of water-based recreation on aquatic and riparian biodiversity of small lakes
M Schafft, R Nikolaus, S Matern, J Radinger, A Maday, T Klefoth, C Wolter, ...
Journal for Nature Conservation 78, 126545, 2024
Baggerseen sind Refugien für die Artenvielfalt
EM Cyrus, T Klefoth, C Wolter, R Nikolaus, R Arlinghaus, S Matern, ...
Wasser und Abfall 22 (10), 30-37, 2020
Lake depth alters the trajectory of ontogenetic niche shifts in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in small lakes
A Trudeau, T Mehner, T Klefoth, S Matern, R Nikolaus, R Arlinghaus
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 33 (1), e12738, 2024
Environmental determinants of coarse woody habitat in gravel pit lakes
S Matern, C Robichon, R Nikolaus, CT Monk, R Arlinghaus
Lake and Reservoir Management 39 (3), 259-272, 2023
Replicated whole‐lake experiment reveals the ineffectiveness of stocking five example fish species in small lakes
S Matern, J Radinger, T Klefoth, C Wolter, R Arlinghaus
Fisheries Management and Ecology, e12701, 2024
Fish communities in gravel pit lakes: The impact of fisheries management and littoral structures
S Matern
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2023
Aufwertung von Uferstrukturen an Baggerseen
T Klefoth, J Radinger, EM Cyrus, R Nikolaus, S Matern, C Wolter, ...
Nah dran sein, 2023
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft
R Arlinghaus, T Klefoth, S Matern, J Radinger, R Nikolaus, J Meyerhoff, ...
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB), 2023
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