Elizabeth A Stuart
Elizabeth A Stuart
Professor and Chair of Biostatistics, Mental Health (joint), and Health Policy and Management (joint
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Matching methods for causal inference: A review and a look forward
EA Stuart
Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical …, 2010
Matching as nonparametric preprocessing for reducing model dependence in parametric causal inference
DE Ho, K Imai, G King, EA Stuart
Political analysis 15 (3), 199-236, 2007
MatchIt: nonparametric preprocessing for parametric causal inference
D Ho, K Imai, G King, EA Stuart
Journal of statistical software 42, 1-28, 2011
Moving towards best practice when using inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score to estimate causal treatment effects in observational studies
PC Austin, EA Stuart
Statistics in medicine 34 (28), 3661-3679, 2015
Multiple imputation by chained equations: what is it and how does it work?
MJ Azur, EA Stuart, C Frangakis, PJ Leaf
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 20 (1), 40-49, 2011
Misunderstandings between experimentalists and observationalists about causal inference
K Imai, G King, EA Stuart
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 171 …, 2008
Improving propensity score weighting using machine learning
BK Lee, J Lessler, EA Stuart
Statistics in medicine 29 (3), 337-346, 2010
Propensity score techniques and the assessment of measured covariate balance to test causal associations in psychological research.
VS Harder, EA Stuart, JC Anthony
Psychological methods 15 (3), 234, 2010
Prognostic score–based balance measures can be a useful diagnostic for propensity score methods in comparative effectiveness research
EA Stuart, BK Lee, FP Leacy
Journal of clinical epidemiology 66 (8), S84-S90. e1, 2013
Generalizing observational study results: applying propensity score methods to complex surveys
EH DuGoff, M Schuler, EA Stuart
Health services research 49 (1), 284-303, 2014
Using propensity scores in difference-in-differences models to estimate the effects of a policy change
EA Stuart, HA Huskamp, K Duckworth, J Simmons, Z Song, ME Chernew, ...
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 14, 166-182, 2014
Best practices in quasi-experimental designs
EA Stuart, DB Rubin
Best practices in quantitative methods, 155-176, 2008
The use of propensity scores to assess the generalizability of results from randomized trials
EA Stuart, SR Cole, CP Bradshaw, PJ Leaf
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 174 …, 2011
Weight trimming and propensity score weighting
BK Lee, J Lessler, EA Stuart
PloS one 6 (3), e18174, 2011
Generalizing evidence from randomized clinical trials to target populations: the ACTG 320 trial
SR Cole, EA Stuart
American journal of epidemiology 172 (1), 107-115, 2010
Multiple imputation: a flexible tool for handling missing data
P Li, EA Stuart, DB Allison
Jama 314 (18), 1966-1967, 2015
Intervention targeting development of socially synchronous engagement in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial
RJ Landa, KC Holman, AH O’Neill, EA Stuart
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (1), 13-21, 2011
Developmental trajectories in children with and without autism spectrum disorders: the first 3 years
RJ Landa, AL Gross, EA Stuart, A Faherty
Child development 84 (2), 429-442, 2013
A potential outcomes view of value-added assessment in education
DB Rubin, EA Stuart, EL Zanutto
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 29 (1), 103-116, 2004
The association between mental health, stress, and coping supports in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders
B Zablotsky, CP Bradshaw, EA Stuart
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 1380-1393, 2013
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