Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Corrêa
Pedro Luiz Pizzigatti Corrêa
Professor de Engenharia de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo
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From wireless sensors to field mapping: Anatomy of an application for precision agriculture
A Camilli, CE Cugnasca, AM Saraiva, AR Hirakawa, PLP Corrêa
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 58 (1), 25-36, 2007
An infrastructure for the development of distributed service-oriented information systems for precision agriculture
E Murakami, AM Saraiva, LCMR Junior, CE Cugnasca, AR Hirakawa, ...
Computers and Electronics in agriculture 58 (1), 37-48, 2007
Considerations about the efficiency and sufficiency of the utilization of the Scrum methodology: A survey for analyzing results for development teams
M Morandini, TA Coleti, E Oliveira Jr, PLP Corrêa
Computer Science Review 39, 100314, 2021
Transparency and open government data: a wide national assessment of data openness in Brazilian local governments
AS Corrêa, EC Paula, PLP Correa, FSC Silva
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 11 (1), 58-78, 2017
Planning for coexistence in a complex human-dominated world
S Marchini, K Ferraz, A Zimmermann, T Guimarães-Luiz, R Morato, ...
Human–wildlife interactions: Turning conflict into coexistence, 414-438, 2019
A reference business process for ecological niche modelling
FS Santana, MF de Siqueira, AM Saraiva, PLP Corrêa
Ecological informatics 3 (1), 75-86, 2008
Transparency portals versus open government data: an assessment of openness in Brazilian municipalities
AS Corrêa, PLP Corrêa, FSC da Silva
Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on digital …, 2014
Development of intelligent robotic process automation: A utility case study in Brazil
B Vajgel, PLP Corrêa, TT De Sousa, RVE Quille, JAR Bedoya, ...
Ieee Access 9, 71222-71235, 2021
Brazilian montane rainforest expansion induced by Heinrich Stadial 1 event
JLD Pinaya, FW Cruz, GCT Ceccantini, PLP Corrêa, N Pitman, F Vemado, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17912, 2019
A fuzzy rule-based system to assess e-government technical interoperability maturity level
A Sheffer Corrêa, A de Assis Mota, L Toledo Moreira Mota, ...
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 8 (3), 335-356, 2014
Requirements analysis for a traceability system for management wood supply chain on Amazon Forest
DL da Silva, PLP Corrêa, LH Najm
2010 Fifth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM …, 2010
Teaching digital electronics during the COVID-19 pandemic via a remote lab
F Valencia de Almeida, VT Hayashi, R Arakaki, E Midorikawa, ...
Sensors 22 (18), 6944, 2022
IFLA LRM-finally here
M Žumer, P Riva
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata …, 2017
MR-Radix: a multi-relational data mining algorithm
CR Valêncio, FT Oyama, P Scarpelini Neto, AC Colombini, AM Cansian, ...
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2, 1-17, 2012
TR-model. A metadata profile application for personal data transparency
TA Coleti, PLP Corrêa, LVL Filgueiras, M Morandini
IEEE Access 8, 75184-75209, 2020
Aetherometric treatment of the energy radiation output by Tesla coils (3): 1 massfree electric-and-magnetic waves, 2 massbound capacito-inductive waves and 3 electromagnetic waves
P Correa, A Correa
ABRI Monograph AS2-16, 1999
openModeller-an open framework for ecological niche modeling: analysis and future improvements
FS Santana, RR Fonseca, AM Saraiva, PLP Correa, C Bravo, ...
Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 23-25 July 2006, Orlando …, 2006
Really opened government data: a collaborative transparency at sight
AS Correa, PLP Correa, DL Silva, FSC Da Silva
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 806-807, 2014
Non-equivalence between work performed by charge against gravity and the electric energy of the same ‘charge gas’
P Correa, A Correa
ABRI monograph S2-01, 1997
A deep-learning method for the prediction of socio-economic indicators from street-view imagery using a case study from Brazil
J Machicao, A Specht, D Vellenich, L Meneguzzi, R David, S Stall, ...
Data Science Journal 21, 2022
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