Kerstin Jost
Kerstin Jost
Brandenburg Medical School
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Control and interference in task switching—A review.
A Kiesel, M Steinhauser, M Wendt, M Falkenstein, K Jost, AM Philipp, ...
Psychological bulletin 136 (5), 849, 2010
Are old adults just like low working memory young adults? Filtering efficiency and age differences in visual working memory
K Jost, RL Bryck, EK Vogel, U Mayr
Cerebral cortex 21 (5), 1147-1154, 2011
Theta and alpha oscillations during working-memory maintenance predict successful long-term memory encoding
PH Khader, K Jost, C Ranganath, F Rösler
Neuroscience letters 468 (3), 339-343, 2010
Processing of incongruous mental calculation problems: Evidence for an arithmetic N400 effect
M Niedeggen, F Rösler, K Jost
Psychophysiology 36 (3), 307-324, 1999
Is task switching nothing but cue priming? Evidence from ERPs
K Jost, U Mayr, F Rösler
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 8 (1), 74-84, 2008
Comparing arithmetic and semantic fact retrieval: Effects of problem size and sentence constraint on event‐related brain potentials
K Jost, E Hennighausen, F Rösler
Psychophysiology 40 (6), 1000-1000, 2003
Facts, rules, and strategies in single-digit multiplication: evidence from event-related brain potentials
K Jost, U Beinhoff, E Hennighausen, F Rösler
Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2), 183-193, 2004
A review of the role of cue processing in task switching
K Jost, W De Baene, I Koch, M Brass
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2015
Memory-based decision-making with heuristics: evidence for a controlled activation of memory representations
PH Khader, T Pachur, S Meier, S Bien, K Jost, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (11), 3540-3554, 2011
Dissociating the solution processes of small, large, and zero multiplications by means of fMRI
K Jost, P Khader, M Burke, S Bien, F Rösler
Neuroimage 46 (1), 308-318, 2009
Early selection versus late correction: Age-related differences in controlling working memory contents.
T Schwarzkopp, U Mayr, K Jost
Psychology and aging 31 (5), 430, 2016
Frontal and parietal contributions to arithmetic fact retrieval: a parametric analysis of the problem‐size effect
K Jost, PH Khader, M Burke, S Bien, F Rösler
Human Brain Mapping 32 (1), 51-59, 2011
Neural correlates of generating visual nouns and motor verbs in a minimal phrase context
PH Khader, K Jost, M Mertens, S Bien, F Rösler
Brain Research 1318, 122-132, 2010
Switching between filter settings reduces the efficient utilization of visual working memory
K Jost, U Mayr
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 16, 207-218, 2016
Strategic control over extent and timing of distractor-based response activation.
K Jost, M Wendt, A Luna-Rodriguez, A Löw, T Jacobsen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (2), 326, 2017
Automatic activation of attribute knowledge in heuristic inference from memory
PH Khader, T Pachur, K Jost
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20 (2), 372-377, 2013
Task dominance determines backward inhibition in task switching
K Jost, V Hennecke, I Koch
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 755, 2017
Neural signatures of controlled and automatic retrieval processes in memory-based decision-making
PH Khader, T Pachur, LAE Weber, K Jost
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 28 (1), 69-83, 2016
Controlling conflict from interfering long-term memory representations
K Jost, PH Khader, P Düsel, FR Richter, KB Rohde, S Bien, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 24 (5), 1173-1190, 2012
Clinical and electrophysiological course of acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis
SR Menon, J Fleischhauer, K Jost, H Helbig
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 222 (03), 261-263, 2005
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