Neha Parikh Shah
Neha Parikh Shah
Microsoft: Viva Insights
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The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers
L Yang, D Holtz, S Jaffe, S Suri, S Sinha, J Weston, C Joyce, N Shah, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 2021
The Downfall Of Extraverts and Rise of Neurotics: The Dynamic Process of Status Allocation in Task Groups
C Bendersky, NP Shah
Academy of Management Journal 56 (2), 387-406, 2013
The cost of status enhancement: Performance effects of individuals' status mobility in task groups
C Bendersky, NP Shah
Organization Science 23 (2), 308-322, 2012
Homophily: Measures and meaning
BS Lawrence, NP Shah
Academy of Management Annals 14 (2), 513-597, 2020
Performance benefits from providing assistance in networks: Relationships that generate learning
NP Shah, R Cross, DZ Levin
Journal of Management 44 (2), 412-444, 2018
Examining the overlap: Individual performance benefits of multiplex relationships
NP Shah, A Parker, C Waldstrøm
Management Communication Quarterly 31 (1), 5-38, 2017
Secondhand social capital: Boundary spanning, secondhand closure, and individual performance
NP Shah, DZ Levin, R Cross
Social Networks 52, 18-27, 2018
Dynamic Silos: Increased Modularity and Decreased Stability in Intraorganizational Communication Networks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
T Zuzul, E Cox Pahnke, J Larson, P Bourke, N Caurvina, N Parikh Shah, ...
Management Science, 2024
Turnover during a corporate merger: How workplace network change influences staying.
M Woehler, TM Floyd, N Shah, JE Marineau, W Sung, TJ Grosser, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (12), 1939, 2021
The coevolution of emotional job demands and work-based social ties and their effect on performance
A Parker, C Waldstrøm, NP Shah
Journal of Management 49 (5), 1601-1632, 2023
Reference groups, workplace envy, and behavioral reactions
C Sterling, NP Shah, G Labianca
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 17639, 2016
The individual performance effects of multiplex relationships in workplace social networks
NP Shah
University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Workgroup Mapping: Visual Analysis of Collaboration Culture
D Edge, J Larson, N Trandev, NP Shah, C Buractaon, N Caurvina, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00402, 2020
All tied up: The performance implications of using multiplex relationships to bridge structural holes
NP Shah, C Waldstrøm
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