Cristian Donos
Cristian Donos
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Early seizure detection algorithm based on intracranial EEG and random forest classification
C Donos, M Dümpelmann, A Schulze-Bonhage
International journal of neural systems 25 (05), 1550023, 2015
Laser ablation for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: surgical and cognitive outcomes with and without mesial temporal sclerosis
C Donos, J Breier, E Friedman, P Rollo, J Johnson, L Moss, S Thompson, ...
Epilepsia 59 (7), 1421-1432, 2018
Spatiotemporal dynamics of orthographic and lexical processing in the ventral visual pathway
O Woolnough, C Donos, PS Rollo, KJ Forseth, Y Lakretz, NE Crone, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (3), 389-398, 2021
Functional mapping and effective connectivity of the human operculum
MD Mălîia, C Donos, A Barborica, I Popa, J Ciurea, S Cinatti, I Mîndruţă
Cortex 109, 303-321, 2018
A comparative study of the effects of pulse parameters for intracranial direct electrical stimulation in epilepsy
C Donos, I Mîndruţă, J Ciurea, MD Mălîia, A Barborica
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (1), 91-101, 2016
Cingulate cortex function and multi-modal connectivity mapped using intracranial stimulation
I Oane, A Barborica, F Chetan, C Donos, MD Maliia, AA Arbune, ...
Neuroimage 220, 117059, 2020
A connectomics approach combining structural and effective connectivity assessed by intracranial electrical stimulation
C Donos, MD Mălîia, I Mîndruţă, I Popa, M Ene, B Bălănescu, A Ciurea, ...
Neuroimage 132, 344-358, 2016
A personalized stereotactic fixture for implantation of depth electrodes in stereoelectroencephalography
B Balanescu, R Franklin, J Ciurea, I Mindruta, A Rasina, RC Bobulescu, ...
Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 92 (2), 117-125, 2014
Spatiotemporally distributed frontotemporal networks for sentence reading
O Woolnough, C Donos, E Murphy, PS Rollo, ZJ Roccaforte, S Dehaene, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (17), e2300252120, 2023
Intrusive thoughts elicited by direct electrical stimulation during stereo-electroencephalography
I Popa, C Donos, A Barborica, I Opris, MD Mălîia, M Ene, J Ciurea, ...
Frontiers in neurology 7, 114, 2016
A spatiotemporal map of reading aloud
O Woolnough, C Donos, A Curtis, PS Rollo, ZJ Roccaforte, S Dehaene, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (27), 5438-5450, 2022
Extracting seizure onset from surface EEG with independent component analysis: Insights from simultaneous scalp and intracerebral EEG
A Barborica, I Mindruta, L Sheybani, L Spinelli, I Oane, C Pistol, C Donos, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 32, 102838, 2021
Visual field deficits following laser ablation of the hippocampus
C Donos, P Rollo, K Tombridge, JA Johnson, N Tandon
Neurology 94 (12), e1303-e1313, 2020
Seizure onset predicts its type
C Donos, MD Maliia, M Dümpelmann, A Schulze‐Bonhage
Epilepsia 59 (3), 650-660, 2018
Illusory own body perceptions mapped in the cingulate cortex—An intracranial stimulation study
I Popa, A Barborica, J Scholly, C Donos, F Bartolomei, S Lagarde, ...
Human Brain Mapping 40 (9), 2813-2826, 2019
The tobacco epidemic
R Loddenkemper, M Kreuter
Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, 2015
The spatiotemporal dynamics of semantic integration in the human brain
E Murphy, KJ Forseth, C Donos, KM Snyder, PS Rollo, N Tandon
Nature Communications 14 (1), 6336, 2023
Critical role of the ventral temporal lobe in naming
KM Snyder, KJ Forseth, C Donos, PS Rollo, S Fischer‐Baum, J Breier, ...
Epilepsia 64 (5), 1200-1213, 2023
High frequency spectral changes induced by single-pulse electric stimulation: Comparison between physiologic and pathologic networks
MD Mălîia, C Donos, A Barborica, I Mindruta, I Popa, M Ene, S Beniczky
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (6), 1053-1060, 2017
Unsupervised detection of high-frequency oscillations using time-frequency maps and computer vision
C Donos, I Mîndruţă, A Barborica
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 183, 2020
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