Michaël Tatham
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Bypassing the nation-state? Regions and the EU policy process
M Keating, L Hooghe, M Tatham
European Union: Power and policy-making, fourth edition, 445-466, 2015
Going solo: Direct regional representation in the European Union
M Tatham
Regional & Federal Studies 18 (5), 493-515, 2008
‘With or without you'? Revisiting territorial state-bypassing in EU interest representation
M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 17 (1), 76-99, 2010
Territorial interest representation in the European Union: actors, objectives and strategies
M Callanan, M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (2), 188-210, 2014
Paradiplomats against the state: Explaining conflict in state and substate interest representation in Brussels
M Tatham
Comparative Political Studies 46 (1), 63-94, 2013
Devolution and EU policy-shaping: bridging the gap between multi-level governance and liberal intergovernmentalism
M Tatham
European Political Science Review 3 (1), 53-81, 2011
The more the merrier: Accounting for regional paradiplomats in Brussels
M Tatham, M Thau
European Union Politics 15 (2), 255-276, 2014
The rise of regional influence in the EU–From soft policy lobbying to hard vetoing
M Tatham
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 56 (3), 672-686, 2018
With, without, or against the state?: How European regions play the Brussels game
M Tatham
Oxford University Press, 2016
Regional voices in the European Union: Subnational influence in multilevel politics
M Tatham
International Studies Quarterly 59 (2), 387-400, 2015
Coping with power dispersion? Autonomy, co-ordination and control in multilevel systems
MD Jensen, C Koop, M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (9), 1237-1254, 2014
Networkers, fund hunters, intermediaries, or policy players? The activities of regions in Brussels
M Tatham
West European Politics 40 (5), 1088-1108, 2017
Climate policy: from complexity to consensus?
EL Boasson, M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 30 (3), 401-424, 2023
Party politics, institutions, and identity: the dynamics of regional venue shopping in the EU
O Huwyler, M Tatham, J Blatter
West European Politics 41 (3), 754-778, 2018
You do what you have to do? Salience and territorial interest representation in EU environmental affairs
M Tatham
European Union Politics 13 (3), 434-450, 2012
Limited institutional change in an international organization: the EU's shift away from ‘federal blindness’
M Tatham
European Political Science Review 6 (1), 21-45, 2014
Fueling opposition? Yellow vests, urban elites, and fuel taxation
M Tatham, Y Peters
Journal of European Public Policy 30 (3), 574-598, 2023
Regionalization with Europeanization? The rescaling of interest groups in multi-level systems
FAS López, M Tatham
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (5), 764-786, 2018
Competence ring-fencing from below? The drivers of regional demands for control over upwards dispersion
M Tatham, MW Bauer
Journal of European Public Policy 21 (9), 1367-1385, 2014
The territorial architecture of government
M Tatham, L Hooghe, G Marks
Governance 34 (3), 607-620, 2021
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