David Fernandes de Oliveira
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Zitiert von
Gamification suffers from the novelty effect but benefits from the familiarization effect: Findings from a longitudinal study
L Rodrigues, FD Pereira, AM Toda, PT Palomino, M Pessoa, ...
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 19 (1), 13, 2022
Using learning analytics in the Amazonas: understanding students’ behaviour in introductory programming
FD Pereira, EHT Oliveira, DBF Oliveira, AI Cristea, LSG Carvalho, ...
British journal of educational technology 51 (4), 955-972, 2020
Assessing the quality of textual features in social media
F Figueiredo, H Pinto, F Belém, J Almeida, M Gonçalves, D Fernandes, ...
Information Processing & Management 49 (1), 222-247, 2013
Early dropout prediction for programming courses supported by online judges
FD Pereira, E Oliveira, A Cristea, D Fernandes, L Silva, G Aguiar, A Alamri, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 20th International Conference, AIED …, 2019
Computing block importance for searching on web sites
D Fernandes, ES de Moura, B Ribeiro-Neto, AS da Silva, MA Gonçalves
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Conference on information and …, 2007
Explaining individual and collective programming students’ behavior by interpreting a black-box predictive model
FD Pereira, SC Fonseca, EHT Oliveira, AI Cristea, H Bellhäuser, ...
IEEE Access 9, 117097-117119, 2021
Early performance prediction for CS1 course students using a combination of machine learning and an evolutionary algorithm
FD Pereira, EHT Oliveira, D Fernandes, A Cristea
2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2019
Juiz online como ferramenta de apoio a uma metodologia de ensino híbrido em programação
L Galvão, D Fernandes, B Gadelha
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2016
Evidence of quality of textual features on the web 2.0
F Figueiredo, F Belém, H Pinto, J Almeida, M Gonçalves, D Fernandes, ...
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge …, 2009
Deep learning for early performance prediction of introductory programming students: a comparative and explanatory study
FD Pereira, SC Fonseca, EHT Oliveira, DBF Oliveira, AI Cristea, ...
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 28, 723-748, 2020
Predição de zona de aprendizagem de alunos de introdução à programação em ambientes de correção automática de código
F Dwan, E Oliveira, D Fernandes
Brazilian symposium on computers in education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2017
How personalization affects motivation in gamified review assessments
L Rodrigues, PT Palomino, AM Toda, ACT Klock, M Pessoa, FD Pereira, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 34 (2), 147-184, 2024
Automatic Subject-Based Contextualisation of Programming Assignment Lists.
SC Fonseca, FD Pereira, EHT Oliveira, DBF Oliveira, LSG Carvalho, ...
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2020
Fast top-k preserving query processing using two-tier indexes
CM Daoud, ES de Moura, A Carvalho, AS da Silva, D Fernandes, C Rossi
Information processing & management 52 (5), 855-872, 2016
Are they learning or playing? moderator conditions of gamification’s success in programming classrooms
L Rodrigues, F Pereira, A Toda, P Palomino, W Oliveira, M Pessoa, ...
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 22 (3), 1-27, 2022
Using structural information to improve search in Web collections
ES de Moura, D Fernandes, B Ribeiro‐Neto, AS da Silva, MA Gonçalves
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 …, 2010
A site oriented method for segmenting web pages
D Fernandes, ES de Moura, AS da Silva, B Ribeiro-Neto, E Braga
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Are UX evaluation methods providing the same big picture?
WT Nakamura, I Ahmed, D Redmiles, E Oliveira, D Fernandes, ...
Sensors 21 (10), 3480, 2021
Waves: a fast multi-tier top-k query processing algorithm
CM Daoud, ES de Moura, D Fernandes, AS da Silva, C Rossi, A Carvalho
Information Retrieval Journal 20, 292-316, 2017
Predição de desempenho em ambientes computacionais para turmas de programação: um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura
FD Pereira, LM de Souza, EHT de Oliveira, DBF de Oliveira, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), 1673-1682, 2020
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