Curtis Ober
Curtis Ober
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Cited by
Phase encoding of shot records in prestack migration
LA Romero, DC Ghiglia, CC Ober, SA Morton
Geophysics 65 (2), 426-436, 2000
Verification of Euler/Navier–Stokes codes using the method of manufactured solutions
CJ Roy, CC Nelson, TM Smith, CC Ober
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 44 (6), 599-620, 2004
ALEGRA: An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian multimaterial, multiphysics code
A Robinson, T Brunner, S Carroll, R Drake, C Garasi, T Gardiner, T Haill, ...
46th aiaa aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 1235, 2008
Studies of the accuracy of time integration methods for reaction–diffusion equations
DL Ropp, JN Shadid, CC Ober
Journal of computational physics 194 (2), 544-574, 2004
Fastershot-record depth migrations using phase encoding
SA Morton, CC Ober
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1998, 1131-1134, 1998
Method of migrating seismic records
CC Ober, LA Romero, DC Ghiglia
US Patent 6,021,094, 2000
Studies on the accuracy of time-integration methods for the radiation–diffusion equations
CC Ober, JN Shadid
Journal of Computational Physics 195 (2), 743-772, 2004
Verification of a compressible CFD code using the method of manufactured solutions
C Roy, C Ober, T Smith
32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3110, 2002
Manufactured solution for computational fluid dynamics boundary condition verification
RB Bond, CC Ober, PM Knupp, SW Bova
AIAA journal 45 (9), 2224-2236, 2007
Efficient parallel I/O in seismic imaging
RA Oldfield, DE Womble, CC Ober
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 12 (3 …, 1998
Seismic imaging on massively parallel computers
CC Ober, RA Oldfield, DE Womble, CC Mosher
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1997, 1418-1421, 1997
SIERRA/Premo-A new general purpose compressible flow simulation code
T Smith, C Ober, A Lorber
32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 3292, 2002
Alegra user manual
AC Robinson, SK Carroll, RR Drake, GA Hansen, DM Hensinger, ...
No. SAND2014-16031, 2014
A manufactured solution for verifying CFD boundary conditions, Part II
R Bond, P Knupp, C Ober
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 88, 2005
Fastershot-record depth migrations using phase encoding: 68th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1131–1134
SA Morton, CC Ober
Abstract, 1998
Multiprocessor computer overset grid method and apparatus
DW Barnette, CC Ober
US Patent 6,519,553, 2003
A manufactured solution for verifying CFD boundary conditions
R Bond, P Knupp, C Ober
34th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 2629, 2004
Method of migrating seismic records
CC Ober, LA Romero, DC Ghiglia
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA …, 2000
Sensitivity technologies for large scale simulation
BG van Bloemen Waanders, RA Bartlett, SS Collis, ER Keiter, CC Ober, ...
Sandia Report SAND2004-6574, 2005
Measuring progress in order-verification within software development projects
P Knupp, CC Ober, RB Bond
Engineering with Computers 23 (4), 271-282, 2007
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Articles 1–20