Vladimir Sepelak
Vladimir Sepelak
Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Slovak Academy of Sciences
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Nanocrystalline Nickel Ferrite, NiFe2O4:  Mechanosynthesis, Nonequilibrium Cation Distribution, Canted Spin Arrangement, and Magnetic Behavior
V Šepelák, I Bergmann, A Feldhoff, P Heitjans, F Krumeich, D Menzel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (13), 5026-5033, 2007
Mechanochemical reactions and syntheses of oxides
V Šepelák, A Düvel, M Wilkening, KD Becker, P Heitjans
Chemical Society Reviews 42 (18), 7507-7520, 2013
Cubic versus spherical magnetic nanoparticles: the role of surface anisotropy
G Salazar-Alvarez, J Qin, V Sepelak, I Bergmann, M Vasilakaki, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (40), 13234-13239, 2008
Evolution of structure and magnetic properties with annealing temperature in nanoscale high-energy-milled nickel ferrite
V Šepelák, D Baabe, D Mienert, D Schultze, F Krumeich, FJ Litterst, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 257 (2-3), 377-386, 2003
Transformations in oxides induced by high-energy ball-milling
V Šepelák, S Bégin-Colin, G Le Caer
Dalton Transactions 41 (39), 11927-11948, 2012
Nonequilibrium Cation Distribution, Canted Spin Arrangement, and Enhanced Magnetization in Nanosized MgFe2O4 Prepared by a One-Step Mechanochemical …
V Šepelák, A Feldhoff, P Heitjans, F Krumeich, D Menzel, FJ Litterst, ...
Chemistry of Materials 18 (13), 3057-3067, 2006
Surface structure of mechanically activated and of mechanosynthesized zinc ferrite
P Druska, U Steinike, V Šepelák
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 146 (1), 13-21, 1999
Structural disorder in the high-energy milled magnesium ferrite
V Šepelák, D Baabe, FJ Litterst, KD Becker
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (10), 5884-5893, 2000
Enhanced magnetisation in nanocrystalline high-energy milled MgFe2O4
V Šepelák, D Baabe, D Mienert, FJ Litterst, KD Becker
Scripta Materialia 48 (7), 961-966, 2003
Nonequilibrium structure of Zn 2 SnO 4 spinel nanoparticles
V Šepelák, SM Becker, I Bergmann, S Indris, M Scheuermann, A Feldhoff, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (7), 3117-3126, 2012
Characterization of blast furnace sludge and removal of zinc by microwave assisted extraction
J Vereš, M Lovás, Š Jakabský, V Šepelák, S Hredzák
Hydrometallurgy 129, 67-73, 2012
Structural disorder in mechanosynthesized zinc ferrite
V Šepelák, U Steinike, DC Uecker, S Wißmann, KD Becker
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 135 (1), 52-58, 1998
Mechanosynthesized BiFeO3 Nanoparticles with Highly Reactive Surface and Enhanced Magnetization
KL Da Silva, D Menzel, A Feldhoff, C Kübel, M Bruns, A Paesano Jr, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (15), 7209-7217, 2011
Mechanosynthesis of the Fast Fluoride Ion Conductor Ba1–xLaxF2+x: From the Fluorite to the Tysonite Structure
A Duvel, J Bednarcik, V Sepelak, P Heitjans
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (13), 7117-7129, 2014
Structure–reactivity study of mechanically activated zinc ferrite
K Tkáčová, V Šepelák, N Števulová, VV Boldyrev
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 123 (1), 100-108, 1996
Magnetization enhancement in nanosized MgFe2O4 prepared by mechanosynthesis
V Šepelák, I Bergmann, D Menzel, A Feldhoff, P Heitjans, FJ Litterst, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), e764-e767, 2007
Effect of Mg2+ and Ti4+ dopants on the structural, magnetic and high-frequency ferromagnetic properties of barium hexaferrite
MH Shams, ASH Rozatian, MH Yousefi, J Valíček, V Šepelák
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 399, 10-18, 2016
Aluminum-doped perovskites as high-performance oxygen permeation materials
J Martynczuk, F Liang, M Arnold, V Sepelak, A Feldhoff
Chemistry of Materials 21 (8), 1586-1594, 2009
Magnetic properties of nanostructured MnZn ferrite
MJN Isfahani, M Myndyk, D Menzel, A Feldhoff, J Amighian, V Šepelák
journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (3), 152-156, 2009
Spin-state transition of iron in (Ba0. 5Sr0. 5)(Fe0. 8Zn0. 2) O3-δ perovskite
A Feldhoff, J Martynczuk, M Arnold, M Myndyk, I Bergmann, V Šepelák, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182 (11), 2961-2971, 2009
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